Shaw heavedherself through the sixth storey window, coming to an abrupt halt. Heavens, sherecognised those grunts and groans. No wonder the owner of the exclusiveL’Educatio International School wasn’t seeing anyone today, he was too busyhave rough sex in his large private office.
Did she care? No.She’d come all this way. Been forced to wait forty minutes in a plush receptionroom with a multitude of surly Conflict Demons dressed like 70’s politicians,who kept bickering amongst themselves in hushed whispers. Whilst impatientmundane couples sat around white faced, radiating tension. Everyone presentglaring at the secretary who wouldn’t allow them to use their phones, orprovide any updates on when the man who held all the power - over whether theirlittle angel would be allowed to attend his school - would deign to see them…or anyone for that matter.
Forty minutes andno one had gone in or come out of the inner office. Forty minutes of tedium. Ofhaving to be patient. That was Shaw’s limit. So she’d stomped off, found theladies bathroom and proceeded to climb out the window.
Material beingtorn followed by a muffled groan sounded as the twosome before her grappledwith one another. Bumping up against the sturdy oak desk hard enough to sendseveral folders tumbling to the floor. The Conflict Demon bleeding in severalplaces, his neck and arms scratched, the top of his left ear missing,presumably bitten off in the heat of the moment.
Okay, well, Shawwasn’t one to judge other people’s sex lives. But seriously, enough with thedry humping and build up dudes, get the deed done already so she could get thesignatures she needed and cross this bloody item off Stephanie’s to-do list.
More groaningfollowed, the two men… no, not men, one Conflict Demon and from the looks of ita Gxthian Demon. Hmmm, that was unusual. Gxthian Demons didn’t tend to hang outin the mundane world. Not singularly anyway, as they preferred to run in packs.Easily picked out in a crowd as they always wore lots of leathers and bikerhelmets. Mainly because they found it hard to pass for human with their lightgrey skin and heavily ridged bald skulls. But hey, Shaw supposed love… orperhaps in this case, lust, will find a way.
Probably mostpeople would have ducked back out the window once they realised they wereinterrupting a… not tender moment exactly, as the Conflict Demon thrust himselfaway from the desk, and the duo banged up against the nearest wall hard.Sending a heavily framed picture of a Roman scholar in a toga crashing to thefloor. Shaw supposed it was lucky the Gxthian was still wearing his helmet ashe easily shrugged off the injury and continued his amorous attentions.
The duo,continuing to struggle for dominance, were back at the large desk, presumablytrying to determine who was going to bend over for whom in this session. Beforeanybody won the contest, Shaw was determined to be long gone.
Patience shredded,she stalked closer, thrusting forward the documents the smug receptionist hadgiven her when she first arrived. “Sign these.” The Conflict Demon’s pale blueeyes widened momentarily in surprise as they locked on to Shaw. He opened hismouth to respond but the Gxthian’s arm currently wrapped around his throatmeant he could only issue a soft, wheezing grunt. Though he did glaremeaningfully at her.
Was that a no? Acome back later? Or hold on whilst my lover and I have rough and tumble sex onthis insanely large desk for an hour or two?
Shaw wasn’t goodwith nuance, so she just glared right back at the stubborn randy idiot. Shewasn’t going anywhere until he signed the damned documents.
The Gxthian hissedat her forcibly.
Yeah, yeah, shewasn’t any happier about being here interrupting their brand of banging bootsthan he was. But the sooner his lover signed, the sooner she’d be out of theirway.
Kaleb Chipp wasbeyond pissed off. It was official, he was dying. The Angel of Death shoving paperworkin his face to sign was proof positive that his time on this, or any otherPlane, was imminently about to end. Great. Just where was his fucking securityteam? More importantly, why had the wards in his office failed to keep theGxthian assassin out?
Although it cameas no surprise to discover he had a traitor in his Court. One who was clearlyhappy to hand out the Portal co-ordinates of his office to random assassins.Nor was Kaleb particularly perturbed to discover there would be paperwork in Hell.It was Hell, of course there would be paperwork.
No, the surprisefor Kaleb was the bolt of excitement that shot through him at the prospect ofbeing able to pursue the gorgeous hottie before him if… when he did die.
He’d turn thatsneer on those plump lips of hers right side up with his roguish irresistibleflirtatious ways. Banish the loathing in those stunning clear green eyes,replacing it with heated, feverish need. He’d peel those skin tight black jeansoff those mouth-watering long, long, legs of hers. Lord Lucifer, she had toalmost be his height of 6.4ft, maybe an inch or two shorter if she was divestedof those steel capped shit kickers. Hmmm, and he couldn’t wait to lick thatskin of hers, displayed to perfection by the midriff baring black leatherwaistcoat she wore, reminding him of his favourite dark mocha caramel swirldrink.
Strangest of all,Kaleb found himself intrigued by the corkscrew golden blonde curls that she hadwrestled into a topknot. Though a few wayward curls had managed to spring free.Damn, he wanted to live just to release her hair. Although, if that were thecase, perhaps he should get busy dying if he ever wanted to get busy with theAngel of Death sent here to claim him.
Claim him? Unexpectedlyheated excitement roiled in Kaleb’s gut. Which was weird, right? He’d never hada death fetish until right this minute. Huh, you live three-hundred andninety-four hell turns and you learn.
For some reasonKaleb found himself bucking harder against his would-be assassin. Apparentlyhis brain liked the idea of pursuing the hottie but his body wasn’t ready toleave this Plane. Desperately trying to leverage the Gxthian’s arm from aroundhis throat. Managing to gasp in a mouthful of precious oxygen before thebastard repositioned his hold even tighter. Fuck.
“Sign these.” TheAngel shoved the documents she was holding right under his nose. Hold on, thatcontract looked awfully familiar. It was a student admission form for his elitepre-school. Lucifer’s left ball. This wasn’t an Angel of Death. This was somekickass pissed off mother determined to get her progeny into his exclusiveestablishment, by hook or by crook. Fuck, she was probably working with theGxthian. How disappointing.
Huh, sadly, thiswas rather typical of Kaleb’s life these days. Ever since he’d been crownedKing of the Conflict Demon Realm almost a year ago. Cruelly betrayed by hisbest friend, Galen Darvyn, who had sneakily nominated him for the role beforeproceeding to bribe all the voters. Sending everyone on an exclusive - allexpenses paid - vacation to the luxurious Spa & Retreat on the MixeltoobPlane. Resulting in a landslide victory.
All hail, KingKaleb Chipp.
If the role hadinvolved nothing more than wearing a token crown and the occasional cocktailparty, then Kaleb could have lived with the whole King thing. Butunfortunately, his subjects had expectations that he would fix all the problemstheir former monarch, the bitch, Queen Laynn, had left in her wake. Laynn beingdeposed from the throne hadn’t just ended a war, it had exposed all the deviousand downright heinous things she had done to hold on to her position.
Further, endingthe war had created a huge raft of problems. Widespread unemployment. All theformer military support industries were struggling. And then there was theissue of the raging psychopathic Demon Army that Laynn had magically created.Who, though the berserker curse had been lifted, many… most really, were notcoping at all well. Some having been gripped by the berserker rage for over sixcenturies. To say they were struggling with self-control issues and PTSD was anunderstatement.
Unfortunately, thethrone also came with a tiresome number of time sucking menial Court relatedtasks, that Kaleb, as King, was expected to oversee and care about. Tradeagreements. Marital blessings. Signing off on new laws and regulations.Abolishing out of date laws. Conflict resolution.
Conflictresolution! They were fucking Conflict Demons, that was their raison d’etre.That aspect alone threatened to eat up all Kaleb’s precious time and the fewdaily fucks he allowed himself.
And while youwould think being saddled with a group of political advisors would make Kaleb’sjob as King easier. The reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Those fivescheming assholes couldn’t agree that water was wet, let alone come togetherand provide actual useful advice to resolve any of the multitude of problemsdumped in Kaleb’s lap.
More irritating,the bastards were never happy. Not with any decision he did make. All having aspecial hate on for the fact Kaleb had insisted upon keeping his day job ofrunning his exclusive pre-school empire. Bleating constantly in his ear that hewas not taking his Kingly duties seriously and failing to make them a priority.