Most gadget freakswould have stopped there, but Zuri advocated you could always build a betterbomb, and she did so love using explosives. So even as the somai wrapped itselfaround the Gxthian’s throat and was in the process of decapitating him, the two– so called – rocks smacked together and exploded, obliterating the entireupper half of the Demon.
What was left ofhim and his bike slid sideways, hitting the road, skidding, before thankfullydisappearing into a deep drainage ditch. Hah, take that ugly. Of course, thiswas only going to antagonise the rest of the Hunting Party. Like mostsupernaturals when they died on the Earthly Plane, the Gxthians’ remains -after five minutes or so - automatically returned to their Home Realm of originvia the Portal they had travelled through.
Oh, well, if theydidn’t get the broad hint from the state of their deceased colleagues, andstill chose to come after Kaleb, then they would only have themselves to blamewhen Shaw killed them.
Five minutes laterShaw was turning into the exceedingly intimidating driveway of La Belle Maison,and it would be another ten minutes of driving before the Hotel itself cameinto view. Or at the least the sweeping main lobby and entrance doors.
Old, yet elegant,the grounds and building had been used as a backdrop in too many Hollywoodmovies to count. The gleaming sandstone walls looking like pure honey with thesun beaming down. The two towers bookending either side of the main lobbybuilding cried out for knight sentries to walk the high walls. Whilst a seriesof massive arches kept the even more massive external verandas, decorated withfrothy green ferns and comfy looking cane furniture, cool.
Shaw highlydoubted that any of her brethren had ever chosen to visit a locale such as thisthat reeked of class, taste and snobbery. La Belle Maison’s luck was about tochange. Poor them. Making a silent promise that she would try and keep themayhem and damages to a minimum. Which of course only reminded her ofcommandment two from the Valkyrie handbook, promises were made to be smashed tosmithereens.
Kaleb woke to finda Mexican standoff taking place. One stubborn Valkyrie against one determinedlow paid valet. Who depended on volume to fund his existence and thus neededthe stubborn, although completely smashing hottie who had just pulled up in themustang, to hand over her keys before any more guests might arrive.
Exiting thecar, Kaleb stretched slowly, taking a moment to get a few kinks out whilsttaking a deep breath of fresh ocean kissed air. The landscaping here was lushand classical. Old school greens upon greens interspersed by an array of exoticorchids for just a touch of colour. The soaring palm trees and ridiculouslylarge ferns endorsed the garden oasis vibe. Yet the distinct sound of wavescrashing into the cliffs below the Hotel could be heard over the steady hum ofcrickets and bees.
The vista set the fivestar luxury vibe high. Making an unspoken promise that the hardest decision anyguest would have to make here would be whether to indulge in cocktailscliffside whilst the sun set. Or perhaps instead relax on one of the largeverandas and watch fireflies flit about as the moon rose. Turning the gardensinto a nocturnal visual and audible feast for the senses.
Unfortunately, itwas difficult to soak in all this peaceful lushness when there was a stubbornValkyrie nearby threatening to disembowel a hotel valet, just because he wastrying to do his job. Rounding the car, Kaleb halted between the two glaringopponents. “What seems to be the problem here?”
“Good afternoon,Sir. I have just been explaining how I need the keys to the car so I can moveit to our complimentary private parking facility.” The dark haired, dark eyedyoung man dressed in a smart green uniform looked nothing but relieved to havehis staring competition with the scowling tall hottie interrupted.
“No.” As far asShaw was concerned the argument was over. “Let’s go.”
“Um. Ah… ” Thevalet clearly needed this job badly, or he wouldn’t have moved to body blockShaw. “The car can’t stay here. There are rules.”
“Break them.Besides, we’re only going to be like… five minutes, right?” Shaw glanced atKaleb for confirmation. Sweet Freyja, the Demon had pretty eyes, and why did helook like he found all this… her, vastly amusing? The twinkle in those tropicalsky blue eyes decidedly devilish.
“I’m good, buteven I won’t be able to convince Galen’s sisters to attend a baby shower inunder five minutes. Plus, we’ll need to hunt down those… elusive clients you’dlike to woo. Come on, Flunky, hand over the keys to Valet.”
“My name’sMychael.”
“Wonderful.” Kalebpassed over a folded bill of indeterminable denomination. “But you’ll always beValet to me.”
Mychael chanced aswift glance at the money before pocketing it in a practised move. From the wayhis shoulders instantly relaxed and his eyes gleamed with delight, Kaleb wasnow and forever more one of his favourite people. “I’m still going to needthose keys.”
Shifting hisattention to the Valkyrie, Kaleb considered a variety of ways to cajole,threaten, or manoeuvre her into handing those keys over. Hell, if she wasn’tgorgeous standing there glaring, jaw jutting out in sheer mulishness, legs cladin those skin tight black jeans that looked like they went on for days.
Kaleb enjoyed atense stand-off as much as the next Conflict Demon but it had been a longfucking day, with at least two murder attempts in the mix. Plus, the Valkyriewas a grown up. Kaleb had done his best to smooth the waters, if she was goingto be a stubborn scowling gloomy guts, then that was on her.
“I’ll be in thebar, Flunky.”
Heavens, Shaw hada nasty suspicion if Kaleb made it to the bar, it would take a crowbar to prisehim out of there. Shit. Fuck. Crap. She slammed the car keys into the waitingvalet’s hand, wrapping her larger hand around his and squeezing with only thesmallest fraction of her strength. Watching him wince as metal dug into flesh.“If my baby is marred by even one dust mote, I promise I will find you.” Shelet all the things she would do to him shine in her eyes, pleased as all theblood abruptly left his face. Leaning down she whispered so only Mychael wouldhear. “And I’d enjoy it way too much. Trust me, you won’t.”
Damn, so close,Kaleb could feel the airconditioned comfort of the lobby caress his face justas a steel like hand clasped his elbow, hauling him to an abrupt stop. “Not sofast. Find Galen’s sisters, now.”
Kaleb was about tobuckle when the automatic gold and glass doors swished shut and he waspresented with his own reflection, cast by the sparkling glass. By Lucifer’sleft ball, why hadn’t the Valkyrie said anything?
There were rips,tears and what suspiciously looked like blood staining the collar of his shirt.His Italian made trousers were spotted with holes caused either by gravel rashor raining bits of burning car debris. His hair matted and stiffened in placeswith what he was assuming was dried blood.
Shaw was surprisedat the strength of the Conflict Demon as he yanked himself from her grasp,turning to face her, a flicker of orange appearing in the depths of his eyesfor just a split second. “Priorities, Flunky.” His voice deepening, growly.Shaw shocked to discover she found it a little bit sexy.
However, shewasn’t thinking that twenty minutes later as Kaleb held up a black silk shirt.“This one?” Then swapped it for an olive green one. “Or this one?”
His hair wasslicked back, damp and a darker blonde momentarily, the ends beginning to curl.All the blood and grit gone thanks to the ten interminable minutes he’d spentin the men’s bathroom. With his wet hair slicked back there was nothing to hidethe fact the man… Demon, was beyond classically handsome, bordering on angelic.Enough to make several guests, both women and men, pause to watch him saunterabout the lobby like he owned the place. Certainly he had the two attendants inthe exclusive clothing store, just off reception, running around doing hisbidding eagerly and with more than a little lust in their eyes.
“Opinion?” He heldthe olive shirt up once more.