It felt good inviting nature into her little garden, and she smiled as she hooked it back up in the low hanging branches and turned around to walk back to their warm cottage.
Last year, just before their anniversary, they had sat out on a night much warmer than the one they’d had last. Together they had cuddled in their little outdoor snug, looking up at the stars, the fire pit burning a few small logs as they’d held each other and reminisced about their wedding day and how far they’d come in such a short time.
Afterwards they had wandered upstairs and made love. It was passionate, kind and sweet and she had orgasmed fast. Cole had rolled her over as she’d recovered and taken her from behind - her favourite position - and at her request he had gently spanked her too.
Then somehow, as he was moving his hands across her, he had touched her... there.
Her flower, her bud, her button. Her forbidden place.
She was still too embarrassed to call it by anything other than a silly synonym.
Her ass.
And it had felt incredible.
The following night, the night of their anniversary, she had let him take her virginity. Not her actual virginity of course, that was taken by Jimmy Phillips in a muddy field up against a tree during her prom night after-party.
Cole had taken her with respect, kindness and love. He had been gentle, sweet and patient. He had taken it slow and made her feel comfortable and then he had passionately ravished her, making her orgasm so hard that she had seen stars brighter than the night sky.
It had been beautiful.
Through that shared experience they had also become better communicators, talking more openly about their desires and impulses. Both of them had become more willing to push their own boundaries to satisfy and pleasure the other and in doing so they had grown closer.
That one night had changed them.
Over the last year they had tried many new things, both in and out of the bedroom. It had been a year of sexual adventure, and it had opened her eyes and her mind to ideas and sensations that she had never known or even considered that she might enjoy. That one night had opened a door to a world of pleasure, and it had brought them closer together and strengthened them.
But there was one thing they hadn’t done, perhaps daren’t, and the idea filled her with a strange, heady mixture of both intense fear and bottom tingling exhilaration.
She felt short of breath every time it crossed her mind... and instantly aroused. Then some deep seated, conservative and rational part of her head would dismiss it entirely.
She took a deep breath.
It billowed out in front of her as she walked and she grinned as she imagined herself as a dragon, breathing great plumes of flame across the landscape and melting castle walls as she swooped and dove. Somehow, she resisted the urge to flap her imaginary wings.
Winter was hanging on this year. It seemed to get longer every year, and more recently Elsie had noticed that the summers were hotter too, and longer than ever before, with roasting hot days lasting well into November. It felt as though the seasons were shifting as she got older. She distinctly remembered several snow filled Decembers from her childhood, her mother trudging through the packed ice on the way to school as she pulled her and her little sister along on an old wooden sled.
Despite her racing imagination and playful childhood memories, that idea still lingered.
It felt like a shadow in the corner of her mind spreading out slowly, or the demon on her shoulder whispering in her ear.
How good might it feel?
The sun was rising, and as she tiptoed back to the cottage, the first shining rays of light began to fall on the stick figures of the trees which surrounded their property, creating an almost mystical steam which drifted in the still morning air.
It wouldn’t last long however. She could see in the distance, dark clouds threatening and rolling, a foreboding broth, spilling darkness across the sky. The temperature would finally rise, but the heavens were about to open.
She pulled open the back door and stepped inside, a wall of warmth enveloping her from the log fire burning in the living room. Quickly she turned around and closed it behind her to avoid too much heat escaping into the world of ice beyond.
As she looked out the back window, she felt familiar strong arms wrap around her waist from behind and the distinct warmth of her husband, nuzzling into the fold of her neck.
Her fingers interlocked with his as he began to kiss her, little pecks up the side of her face and onto her cheek, then he spun her around so fast it made her gasp.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, then pulled away, looking into his eyes and smiling.
‘Morning,’ she said.