* * *
"J?hn, ??u look w?nd?rful t? me!"
* * *
I ru?h?d ?nt? his ?rm? and h? took me u? ?nd we kissed th? fervent, f?v?r?d k??? of lovers d?n??d th??r desires for far too l?ng. He picked me up ?nd ??rr??d m? b??k ?nt? th? room ?nd l??d m? d?wn on th? b?d.
* * *
"I've dr??mt ?f ??u ?? m?n? nights, Chr??t??. I n?v?r th?ught this d?? would come th?t I'd g?t to see ??u."
* * *
H?? j??k?t ??m? off.
* * *
"I ??n't believe th?t it's ??u!"
* * *
H?? tie ??m? off.
* * *
"I'm so glad you're here, J?hn, I ??n't even b?g?n t? t?ll ??u h?w mu?h I'v? w?nt?d t? ??? you!"
* * *
I f?lt a t??r r?ll d?wn my ?h??k ?? h?? ?h?rt ??m? ?ff t? reveal a broad chest ?nd a m?d??t little ?udg? f?r a b?ll?. H? w?? handsome ?nd cute ?ll in ?n? ???k?g?. H? ??t d?wn on th? b?d and kissed m? ?? I ??t u? t? meet h?? embrace. In ?ur k??? h? fumbl?d f?r the l???? ?n my t?dd? wh?l? I fumbled f?r h?? b?lt.
* * *
W? br?k? ?ur kiss f?r a moment ?? w? g?ggl?d and ?t??d up t?g?th?r. H? leaned down t? k??? m? ?g??n ?? h? und?d th? l???? ?n th? t?dd? ?nd it f?ll ?n a satin ?uddl? ?t m? f??t. My teddy w?? ?h?rtl? joined by h?? shoes, ???k?, ??nt?, ?nd th? most charming plaid boxers!
* * *
I ??uldn't believe ?t. I stopped t? ??nd?r the moment ?nd realized th?t I was n?k?d w?th a man wh?m I r??ll? d?dn't know at ?ll. I w?? ready to give him ?v?r?th?ng ?nd I could ask n?th?ng ?n return. W?uld h? l??v? his wife f?r m? ?f w? d?d th??? Wh?t ?f he didn't? Wh?t ?f he d?d?
* * *
H? dr?w me ?l??? ?nd I f?lt h?? ???k rub ?g??n?t m? b?ll? ?? h?? h?nd? ?x?l?r?d m? b?d?.
* * *
"I l?v? ??u, Chr??t??."
* * *
"I l?v? ??u, too, John."
* * *
It w?? th? simple exchange ?f a furtive commitment t? each ?th?r'? h??rt th?t made m? f?n?ll? surrender m???lf ??m?l?t?l? to h?m. H? ?ull?d the ?h??t? back and m?t??n?d f?r m? t? g?t ?nt? th? w??t?ng bed. H?? hand was in th? ?m?ll of m? b??k ?? h? gu?d?d m? ?nt? th? crisp ?h??t?. Ju?t f??l?ng h?? hand th?r?, ?r?t??t?ng and guiding m?, w?? ?n? ?f th? most ?r?t?? moments ?f m? l?f?.
* * *
I ????t?d ?v?r ?nd h? ?uddl?d ?n r?ght b?h?nd me, his ?rm? wr????ng ?r?und m? ?nd k????ng m? ?l??? t? his w?rmth.