Page 11 of Erotic Sex Stories

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He bur??d h?? face into m? n??k and began t? pump me h?rd?r ?nd d????r ?nd f??t?r. M? l?v?r h?d ??m?h?w suddenly turned ?nt? th?? fucking m??h?n? between my l?g? ?nd ?t was ?lm??t ???r?. I was ju?t beginning to g?t a l?ttl? uncomfortable from his ??und?ng wh?n he drove himself ?? deep ?? h? ??uld ?nt? m?.

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H? ??und?d into me with a f?w sharp ?tr?k?? and then I f?lt his cock swell inside ?f me ?? ?t poured h?? come into m? willing womb. H? m?d? a f?w m?r? furtive strokes into m? ?nd ???h ?ff?rt w?? r?w?rd?d w?th ?n?th?r g?ut ?f his ???rm ?nt? m?. Th? sheet was ???k?d with our mingled ju???? ?? we l?? th?r? ?n ?ur r?v?r??.

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It w?? truly wonderful. It w?? th? moment ?f my life where I m??t f?lt l?k? a woman. I'll n?v?r regret it.

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A ???r has ?????d ??n?? th?t d?? ?nd I'm ?t?ll m?rr??d. S? is J?hn. We ?t?ll wr?t? t? ???h other, ?nd w? ??m?t?m?? dw?ll on wh?t w? ?h?r?d th?t d??.

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Someday I'll h?v? t? g? b??k t? F?rt L?ud?rd?l? ?nd share ?ur ??n.

Chapter 5

Travis ?nd I h?d b??n living t?g?th?r f?r ?v?r a year ?nd a h?lf and while ?ur ??x life was ?t?ll v?r? enjoyable ?nd r?l?t?v?l? active, th?r? is ?nl? so mu?h tw? people ??n do to ?l???? ?n? ?n?th?r. W? f?und ourselves th?nk?ng ?f n?w ????t??n? t? try, n?w ways t? g?t ???h ?th?r turned ?n ?nd ?n th? mood.

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I'd tr??d ?n?l ??x w?th a couple previous ??rtn?r? ?nd while I h?d n?v?r found anal sex to be b?tt?r than v?g?n?l ??x I did f?nd ?t r?l?t?v?l? ?nj???bl? ?f it was done properly. Travis ?nd I h?d tr??d ?n?l sex a couple t?m?? ?nd f?n?ll? ?n? n?ght wh?n I w?? ?n?r?d?bl? horney w? h?d a l?ng anal fu?k f??t th?t ?ulm?n?t?d w?th him ?umm?ng ?n my ???, ?n? ?f th? m??t ?nt?n?? ??xu?l ?x??r??n??? ?f my l?f? ?n both a ?h?????l ?nd emotional level.

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A w??k or m?r? l?t?r I h?d hurt m? b??k ?nd w?? b?????ll? ??nf?n?d to b?d rest for th? d??. I w?? bored out ?f m? m?nd ?t h?m? ?l?n? ?ll d?? ?? I gr?bb?d a b??k ?f ?r?t?? ?t?r??? I h?d ?nd r??d thr?ugh ??m? of my favorites. I w?? getting m?r? ?nd m?r? turned ?n and did something I hadn't d?n? in ?g??…I reached f?r m? v?br?t?r. It's smaller than Tr?v??, ?b?ut 7” l?ng ?nd ?nl? about 1” th??k, but ?t'? ?lm??t the ??rf??t ?h??? and ??z? for m? t?ght ?u??? ?nd ?t ?lw??? g?v?? m? incredibly ?nt?n?? ?rg??m?.

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I turned the v?b? ?n ?nd ??m?l? r?n ?t along the outside ?f m? pussy ?? I read, g?tt?ng h?tt?r ?nd hotter w?th every ?????ng ????nd. I ?nd?d u? turn?ng th? vibe as h?gh ?? it ??uld go, shoving ?t as d??? as I ??uld inside m? ?u??? ?nd ju?t holding ?t th?r?, l?tt?ng th? v?br?t??n? w?rk th??r m?g?? as m? f?ng?r rubbed my ?l?t unt?l I came ?n an explosive ?rg??m.

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I l?? ?n b?d ???nt ?nd f?rg?t ?ll about putting t? v?br?t?r b??k. Travis found it ??v?r?d w?th my ?um on the nightstand wh?n he g?t h?m? fr?m work that night ?nd ??k?d about it. I t?ld h?m I'd b??n bored ?nd had g?tt?n m???lf ?ff u??ng it. H? just gr?nn?d at me th?t ??x?, wicked grin ?f his.

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He ended up t?k?ng m? t? the emergency r??m f?r my b??k that n?ght and while w? w?r? waiting f?r the d??t?r I m?nt??n?d t? him a f?nt??? I'd d?v?l???d ?ft?r m? v?b? ?l?? th?t afternoon…double penetration w?th h?m and the v?br?t?r, one ?n my ??? ?nd ?n? ?n my ?u???.

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Fr?m th?t d?? on we u??d the v?b? a ??u?l? t?m?? ?n f?r??l?? t? help m? g?t m?r? excited ?nd t? h?l? open u? m? t?ght ?u??? b?f?r? h? fu?k? me ?? I ??n last longer without getting ??r?.

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The ?th?r night, th?ugh, m? f?nt??? finally ??m? true ?nd ?t was m?r? f?nt??t?? than I ?v?r imagined!