Pure white hot rage pushes through me. "Fuck," I snarl.

"Exactly," he replies. "Now, you should do what I did. I got your ma pregnant, so she was tied to me."

"Fuck dad, what if she didn't want to be tied to you."

His laughter echoes through the line. "Son, trust me, she loves being tied to me. Now remember what I said, and don't be an ass. If your ma gets one more phone call telling her that Daisy's upset, I won't be able to save your hide. Understood?"

"Yeah, understood," I reply.

Rule number one, Don't upset, ma, if you do, da will be pissed.

"Just remember what I said," he tells me, then ends the call.

I sit in the sitting room wondering what the fuck I'm to do next? I never intended on acting on what I've been feeling but from listening to both ma and dad, it may be the only way to go forward.




Imake my way downstairs, the sun is shining into the kitchen, and of course, Knox is sitting at the table reading the newspaper and drinking coffee. I had hoped that he'd have left the house by now, he's never here past eight am, even on a Saturday, but then again, Knox does whatever the hell he wants.

"Morning," he says, his voice deep and rough. "I have breakfast for you."

I raise my brow as I stare at him in disbelief. He has breakfast for me? Since when? This isn't something that he's ever done for me before. "What's this for?"

"An apology of sorts," he mumbles. "Sit down and eat Daisy, you worked late last night and came home and didn't eat. I'd really appreciate it if you could at least try the food."

I'm shocked that he even noticed that I hadn't eaten. It's been a while since anyone has truly cared. Mom always used to ensure that I had eaten, when she died, I knew I was alone. As great as Knox and his family have been, I wasn't their family. I had lost mine.

"Thanks," I mumble as I take a seat. He continues to read the newspaper as I take a pancake off the stack that's in front of me.

"Do you have any plans today?" He asks.

I swallow the food that's in my mouth and turn to him. "Not yet. What's going on, Knox? This isn't you. We don't do this."

His brows knit together. "Do what?" he asks, sounding confused.

I take a sip of coffee as I watch him carefully. "We don't sit down for meals, we don't ask about each other's day, and you certainly don't make me breakfast, or any meal for that matter."

His lips pursed together. "Well today I am. So, do you have any plans?"

I sigh. "I don't, I'm not sure what I'm doing. Why?"

He shrugs. "I'm working in the home office today. I didn't want you to be surprised."

I have a feeling that's not what he was going to say, but he turns back to his newspaper and continues reading. I hate the way that he acts as though this is normal and an everyday occurrence. He's confusing me, and I'm struggling to control my emotions. I want to scream with frustration at how he's acting, but he's not the only one that can act aloof.

I finish my breakfast all the while Knox sits and sips on his coffee, neither of us making a sound, but that doesn't mean I can't feel his heated gaze on me. It's as though I can't breathe. The way he's watching me has changed. It's not always been like that, it used to be he'd look at me as though I was a nuisance, someone who'd get on his nerves. Now, the look is heated, electrically charged, I feel his gaze all over my body and it's making me want things that I can't want. Things that aren't right. It's driving me crazy.

"Thanks for breakfast, Knox," I say as I get to my feet, I need to get some space between us. My footsteps are quick and a little heavy as I move toward the stairs. I need a shower to calm my mind. I need to cool the fuck off and try to figure out what the hell is going on.

It's been four hours, and my mind is still reeling. Showering didn't help, nor did watching TV. Knox has dug himself into my thoughts, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to shake them. Ugh, what the hell is that man playing at?

I change into my bikini. Today has been the first day in a long time that I'm actually able to relax without worry. No matter what, I'm determined to not let Knox ruin it. I'm going to relax as much as possible because I know that as soon as Monday morning arrives, Knox will be back to his asshole self, and I'll be dealing with his tantrums at work.

I make myself a cold ice drink in the kitchen, I can hear Knox talking, no doubt he's bossing someone else around, the man loves to be in charge.