Silence spreads around the room, and I note that everyone is watching me.

"Can you explain please, Daisy?" Kane asks, but I note that he's glaring at his brother. Good, at least I'm not the only one that's pissed.

So I do. "With the meeting today and it being a long weekend. I worked until ten pm last night to ensure I had all my work done for the week so that I could focus on this meeting and be on hand to do anything that Mr. Archer needed. So I cleaned my desk, I mean, I worked my ass off to ensure that I had everythingorganized for Mr. Archer, all his files filed, all documents scanned, and emails sent off."

I'm getting heated, and everyone knows it. This isn't me. I'm usually quiet and reserved.

"So imagine my surprise when I enter my office this morning and see a stack of files as big as my computer waiting for me. To add insult to injury, Mr. Archer told me that they all needed to be done today as they were urgent." I glare at Knox, who looks taken aback. Yes, I can speak up for myself. Just because I haven't in the past, doesn't mean I can't.

"What?" Kevin says.

"Yes, so can you please explain to me and the rest of the employees when it became acceptable to make us work more to accommodate your lack of time management. I mean, the majority of those files were dated three months ago."

All the while I've been speaking, I've been typing. I'm documenting it, Knox isn't going to get away with brushing this under the carpet.

"That will be dealt with, Daisy," Kane says, his voice a little harder. "That is unacceptable, and it won't happen again."

Knox clears his throat and looks around the table. "Does anyone else have anything else to input?"

Once again, the meeting is back to normal, and the grievances are being played out. I take copious notes, ensuring that I do my job. The last thing that I need is for someone to accuse me of not doing what I'm paid to do.

Kevin leaves the room to collect the coffees and pastries as Katelynn speaks about how the women are being treated like a maid in the kitchenette that we all share as people leave their dirty cups and plates in the sink and no one cleans up after themselves. Hell, some even leave them on the table, meaning when Katelynn or I enter the kitchenette, we're the ones to clean up.

The conversation continues as Kane and Kevin argue with the men that they need to be mindful and make sure that they're not leaving their things lying around. There's a dishwasher that gets put on and everything cleaned, it's not hard.

The meeting takes around two hours, and the entire time it's on, Knox has been glaring at me. When I get to my feet, I smile sweetly at him. I'll be damned if he makes me feel uncomfortable for voicing my concerns and boundaries.

I go back to my office and sigh as I look at the stack of files. It doesn't look as though I did much this morning. But I'll get through them all.

When it gets to five o'clock, I realize that I won't be able to make my date, I send a text to Alan, apologizing profusely that I'm having to cancel and hope that we can reschedule soon. It was supposed to be the first date, but I'm not making a good impression.

Damn Knox Archer.



"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kane growls as he prowls my office floor. "What the hell did you do that for?'

"Seriously, Knox, what the hell?" Kevin snarls.

My brothers adore Daisy, they have done since I married her mom over six years ago. I get it, she's family, but this isn't family matters, this is work.

"She gets paid to be an employee," I fire back, my eyes narrowed at my younger brothers. "I had documents that needed filing and emailing. That is what she gets paid to do."

I don't understand why they're so fucking pissed about it. It's her job, and she'll damn well do her job, especially if she wants to keep it.

"You're being an asshole, Knox, we all know it, the question is, why?" Kane asks with a smirk and a raised brow.

I flip him off, childish, I know, but fuck him. "I'm not getting into this. I've got work to do, something that you all should be doing too."

Kevin raises his hands in surrender and backs away from my desk. "Fine, be an asshole to her, don't be surprised if she endsup finding a new job. She's amazing at what she does, and I know that there are multiple companies that would snatch her up in a heartbeat."

Kane nods. "Fuck that, I'll take her off your hands. You don't deserve her anyways."

"No one is taking Daisy," I snap. "Now get the fuck out of my office," I tell them.

I pinch the bridge of my nose when I hear my computer ping with an incoming email, it's from Daisy, she's sending out the emails that I've asked her too, and she always CC's me in on them.