Dad smiles, it's wide and reaches his eyes. "You have no idea how happy that makes your ma and I, son. That's all that we have ever wanted for you. Donna was one of the best women I know. She was sweet and loving, but she wasn't the one for you."
"Alright, dad," I say, knowing that he's got the information that he needs. "No more talk about that, Daisy sometimes feels guilty. No matter how much she knows this is what we want, she can't help but feel the guilt."
His smile dims slightly. "It will ease in time, anyone who sees the two of you can see how much you belong together. I've never seen two people more suited than the two of you."
I grin, I fucking love knowing that. We've heard that a lot. Once the first weirdness got out of the way, we'd get comments about how well suited we are. She's my calmness in the storm. I never knew that you could feel this type of love.
"I'm happy for you, son," Dad says as he pats me on the back. "Now let's get you to your ma, she's been cooking all day with Daisy."
As much as I try not to work on the weekends, unfortunately, I couldn't escape the meetings I had back-to-back today, especially as I have booked a beach vacation to whisk Daisy away for a week in the sun. So I've spent the past week ensuring that I have all the work done so that when we're away we won't have to deal with work while we're away.
"No doubt Daisy had a great day." My woman loves spending time with my family, she adores my ma and will plan to spendtime with her whenever she gets the chance. So while I was working, she was having fun with ma.
"I think they bought out every store they went to today," Dad says with a chuckle. "The amount of bags they returned with. It took me and your brothers three trips to the car to get all the bags."
I laugh, at least she's spending money. No matter how many times I've told her that she's free to use my credit card she hasn't used it. She has no idea the amount of money that I have, her going on a shopping spree wouldn't put a dent in it. I want Daisy to be able to spend our money and get whatever she wants. I want her to be happy.
"About time you got here," Kane says as I enter the kitchen. He nods in Ma's direction and I see that she's standing beside Daisy, both whispering to one another, neither of them lift their heads when dad and I enter the room. "Sort them out, they're crazy."
"Kane Adam Miller, how dare you call me crazy," Ma snaps. "Just because Daisy and I have cooked you all dinner, not to mention baked some delicious treats, it doesn't make me crazy."
Kane shakes his head. "Never said it did, ma, but you two whispering like there's a secret to be told sure as hell does."
Daisy's cheeks flush with heat, and I know that Kane's correct, they have a secret, now I'm intrigued. "Baby," I say low, and she flushes even more. "Okay, what's going on?"
Ma's brows furrow. "Nothing. Now, wash up, dinner will be served momentarily." She claps her hands together, and everyone springs into action. Both Kane and Kevin move out of the kitchen, no doubt to get away from the crazy antics that are happening. Dad pulls ma into his arms, presses a kiss to her lips and whispers something in her ear.
I crook my finger at Daisy, and she grins as she walks toward me. "How did your meetings go?" she asks.
"Baby, what's going on?"
She presses her palms against my chest. "Nothing," she says with a bright smile. "I hope it's okay that we're here for dinner, your mom and I spent ages shopping—I went a little crazy. I'll repay you?—"
I silence her with a kiss to her lips. "Not happening. You could have purchased a mansion, baby, and I wouldn't give a fuck."
She grins. "I'm glad that you've said that—" she trails off, her eyes wide and filled with mischief. "I was looking at the house down the street, it's for sale, and it's gorgeous."
Now it makes sense as to why she and ma were whispering. No doubt ma's been trying to persuade her to get me to purchase the house. But Dad had mentioned it to me weeks ago, and I have already put an offer in.
"You want to move?" I ask her.
She's a little hesitant but gives me a small nod. "It would be nice to be closer to family. Our house holds a lot of memories." The tremble in her voice tells me that she's been thinking about this a lot.
Her words suddenly hit me. Fuck. Of course, she'd want to move. My room is the one that I shared with her mom. Fuck. How the fuck did I not realize that?
"I'll call them on Monday and put an offer in." I lie. In fact, I'll be making a call to the realtor in a minute and ensuring that my offer is pushed through, even if it means upping my bid.
She blinks. "Don't you want to see it?"
"No, as long as you're happy, that's all I care about."
Her face splits into a wide grin, and she presses close to me, reaching up onto her tiptoes and pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "Thank you."
I slide my arm around her waist and hold her tight. "Anything for you, baby. Go sit down, we don't want ma killing us for making the dinner late."
She laughs, just as I intended her too. "Come on, Daisy," ma says as she links her arm through hers. "We'll go sit down and rest. The men can serve us for dinner."
Daisy flashes me a smile before she follows ma out of the kitchen.