Istroll into my office, a cup of coffee in hand, and I place my purse to the desk. I glare at the stack of papers on it and wonder when the hell they arrived. Last night, when I left, my desk was clear, not a paper in sight, and now it looks as though someone has given me a week's worth to do.
Pissed doesn't even cover how I'm feeling about this.
"Daisy," I hear the deep sigh of Knox from behind me. "What have I told you about your attire?"
I spin on my heel and pin him with a glare. "Want to explain to me where all these documents come from?" I ask, ignoring the stupid question he's asked. What I wear is none of his business. I don't understand his fascination with policing what I wear. If I were dressed differently to the other women that work here, I'd be a bit more understanding, but since I'm wearing a black and white striped pencil skirt, which is matched with a white silk blouse, I have no idea why he's complaining.
"What do you mean?" he asks, a furrow between his brow. "Those need to be sorted, that is your job, correct?"
I take a deep breath and try my hardest not to tell him to go fuck himself. That won't help anyone. "Last night, when Ileft at ten pm, I might add, my desk was cleared. All documents and files had been dealt with and I managed to have everything organized and ready for next week. So I'll repeat, where did these documents come from?"
That furrow deepens. "What do you mean ten? Daisy, you know you're not supposed to be here past seven. Was anyone else with you?"
I don't answer him, instead, I tap my foot and place my hand on my hip as I stare at him.
"Fine," he says, shoving a hand through his hair. "The documents are mine, I may have misplaced them and need them done as soon as possible."
I shake my head. "Not my problem," I tell him. "You fucked up, why am I having to be the one that spends another—" I pause as I glance at the stack of papers, trying to gauge how long it'll take me to sort. "Ten hours to go through them all. You and I both know that I have things to do tonight, and I won't be staying later than five."
His eyes are narrow as he watches me. "I get you've got plans, we all have plans, Daisy. But this is your job, and unless you want to find a new one, I'd advise you to do as I ask."
I stare at him in shock. Fucking bastard. This is a man who has known me for more than six years. He was married to my mother, and the two were happy until she passed away. This is how he treats me. "Fine," I hiss. "I'll have it done by the end of the day." I turn around and sink into my chair, I'm beyond angry. I was supposed to go on a date this evening, but judging by the pile that's stacked neatly on my desk, I won't be able to. It's beyond fucked up that he's doing this to me. He had to have known I wouldn't be pleased by him 'finding' these files.
I hear his footsteps move toward my door, and I don't look, I'm not going to give him the satisfaction. "Don't forget themeeting is at ten am sharp. Do not be late." He closes my office door and I sink deeper into my chair.
Fuck. I forgot about the meeting. It's one that I'm not able to miss as it's an employee meeting. We have it once a month where the employees are able to voice their displeasures and be free to talk without ramifications. I haven't done so at one, I'm usually the one taking notes, so I always pay attention, not wanting to miss anything the employees say, but today, the way that I'm feeling, Knox is in for a hell of a rude awakening.
I get started, glad that I arrived over forty minutes early, but my anger is simmering beneath the surface. Why the hell would he do this to me? It makes no sense, surely if they were that important, I'd have had them the moment he finished them.
The documents are confidential, which means only I and Knox are allowed to have access to them, which takes away the option of having someone else help me. The more files I read through, the angrier I'm getting. Some of these are dated back three months ago. What the hell was Knox playing at?
"Daisy," Katelyn says with a grin as I enter the conference room at ten. I'm pushing the time, usually I'm the first here to set up with coffee and pastries, but with the bullshit that Knox pulled this morning, that wasn't feasible. "I thought you weren't in today. What happened?"
I shake my head as I glare at Knox, who's watching me carefully, he's seated at the head of the table with his brother's either side of him, watching our interaction with rapt attention. "I've been busy," I say with a tight smile.
"Damn, I was hoping for coffee and pastries," Kane—Knox's brother—says with a sheepish grin. "I haven't had breakfast."
I move through the room and take a seat beside Kevin—the third brother— I place my laptop onto the table and open it up. "You're not the only one. I've only had one cup of coffee today," I grumble.
"Okay," Kevin says, holding his hands up. "Let me order everything, it'll arrive while we're having this meeting. Seems as though everyone could use a pick me up."
"Seems as though someone needs to prioritize," Knox says pointedly.
"You can go to hell," I mutter under my breath as I plaster a smile to my face.
Fuck, whatever the hell Knox's problem is, he needs to fucking deal with it. I'm not going to let him bully me.
"Okay," Kane begins, his eyes soft as he watches me. "Let's begin, does anyone have anything they'd like to start us off with?"
And the meeting begins, as always it starts with small things that some of the employees would like to change or to be added around the offices. Some are agreed upon, other's are shut down, deeming that they're inappropriate for the offices. I type out the meeting notes, ensuring that I have everything documented.
Then we get to the good bit, the grievances are aired and this is the part that I love. Drama at its finest. For the first time since I started working here, I speak.
"I don't think that it's appropriate or acceptable for employees to have to work longer hours or to push other work around to deal with our employer's lack of time management."