Page 18 of Dirty Boy

Cranking the engine, it sends a sense of comfort over me with the rumbling pipes and vibrations. There’s nothing like riding a motorcycle and as long as I live, I plan to be on one. “Ready, baby?” I call over my shoulder.

“Yes, maybe we can enjoy it this time.” She’s right. On the way up here I was hauling ass, looking over my shoulder, worried the entire time. There’s nothing like impending death to motivate you to get the fuck out of dodge.

“We’ll cruise until we get completely out of the snow, ‘kay?”

“Sounds good.”

I give her thigh one last squeeze, then edge the bike forward, pulling my feet off the ground as we pick up speed. We make the turn out of the private drive and hit the two-lane road that leads us to the road that’ll eventually take us south. I’m right about the ride being cold as fuck and can’t help but shiver a few times as I adapt. Sydney burrows into my back as much as she can to block the air from hitting her, and it makes me feel like a shitbag for not being able to keep her warm and comfortable like I want to. There’s still snow in the shady parts, but the road appears fairly clear, thank fuck. I don’t enjoy riding in the rain, and snow is another beast altogether, one I’ve always avoided.

“You okay, Spice?” I holler, staring at her in my mirror. She pokes her head to the side so I can see her better and nods against me, her lips pressed into a tight line. I know she’s trying her best to tough it out. This amazing woman has proved time and again she’s a fighter, a survivor. And even in the face of danger, she refuses to let it break her.

As we ride, the scenery changes from snowy landscapes to bits of grass peeking through the melting snow. The sun is high and bright, a welcome change compared to the storm we just weathered together in the cabin. I can feel Sydney’s body relaxing against mine, her grip on me loosening slightly as she grows more comfortable. The tension in my muscles begins to ease, replaced by a warmth spreading through me that has nothing to do with the weather.

The road stretches out ahead, winding its way through familiar territory. My mind drifts as our bodies sway in sync with the rhythmic purr of the engine. Thoughts of the club and my place within it swirl in my head. I know they’re skeptical of my commitment to Sydney, but they’ll see soon enough that I’m serious. I take a deep breath and release it slowly, enjoying the freedom of the ride. My eyes trace the tree line, taking in the beauty of nature as we continue our journey down the two-lane road.

Sydney’s arms tighten around me, pulling me closer even though I thought it wasn’t possible as she’s already glued to my back. “We’ll make it, you know,” she says, her voice barely audible over the freezing wind. “We’ll get through this and anything else we have to.”

Her words are a balm to my soul. Somehow, she’s in tune to my inner thoughts and worries, and I know she’s right. I’ve faced countless adversaries throughout my life, and this woman clutching me seems to make everything in my life make a little more sense. All the choices I’ve made throughout the years have eventually led me to her and I know I’m one lucky motherfucker to have her.

As we round a bend, I take the scene ahead of me in, processing my options as quickly as possible. There’s a truck in the middle of the road, looking like it’s spun out and is just sitting there. I’m not going super-fast, but the vehicle’s too close and I’m going fast enough to know I can’t safely stop with the bits of snow, ice, and water lingering on the road. “Hold on, I’m going around them!” I shout, slowing as much as I safely can without making us wreck.

Her fingers clench onto my shirt, digging into my abdomen as I veer into the space in front of the truck. If only it wasn’t lifted with beefy tires and all, so I could see the other side...Maybe I’d have known there was another vehicle doing the same thing I was. My mouth drops open as I see the hood coming straight for us, all I can do in the small sliver of time is scream to Sydney, “Jump!” And I hold on, because this is going to fucking hurt.

In that split second, time seems to slow down as the impending collision becomes inevitable. I brace myself for impact, muscles tensed, adrenaline coursing through my veins. A sense of dread fills me as the sound of screeching fills the air, drowning out the sound of my racing heartbeat and her scream.

Sydney, instinctively trusting me, let’s go just as the oncoming vehicle crashes into us. The collision is violent and chaotic, metal against metal, and the sickening crunch of bones. Pain rips through my body like a tidal wave, assaulting every nerve and leaving me gasping for a breath. I wasn’t wearing any protective gear either, just layers. This is the chance we take every single time we climb on a motorcycle and while it never bothered me before, all I can think about is how careless I was with the woman I care most about.

The world spins in a dizzying haze as I fly through the air and the bike skids across the pavement, coming to an abrupt stop. I lie there, dazed and disoriented, the acrid scent of smoke and burnt rubber filling my nostrils. Blood trickles down my forehead and into my eyes. It further blinds me, but the pain is too much, and I close my eyes as my mind goes blank and I black out.

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Beep. I stir, wondering what in the fuck that noise is. My head is fucking killing me, and why does it feel like I can’t move? What the hell happened and where am I? Beep. Beep. Beep. The noise keeps going, and it makes me want to kick something. “Mm. Enough fuckin’ beepin’,” I slur. I kinda feel drunk. Wobbly. I try to open my eyes, but it feels like sandpaper, making me groan. “Ow, fuckin’ fuck the sandpaper.” Beep. Beep. Beep. The shit mocks me.

“Brother?” is asked, hesitantly.

At the voice I try to open my eyes again but it’s dark. It feels like I’m ripping the bitches apart, but eventually I get them parted and see blurry light. It sends a shock to my brain, making me moan in pain. “Da’ fluck, bro?” I’m still slurring my words, jumbling shit up. What is wrong with me?

“Take it easy VP, you were in a wreck and banged up your head. You’re in the hospital, been out of it for three days.”

Well fuck me, no wonder why my head hurts.

“Mm.” I smack my lips together, my throat and mouth feeling almost as dry as my damn eyes.

“Here man, take a sip. Small sip, you don’t want to choke or some shit.” He holds the cup close, putting the straw to my lips. Ignoring his warning, I suck greedily, taking in a mouthful of water. I swallow and repeat a few more times for good measure.

“Wrench?” I rasp as I’m finally able to collect my thoughts enough to recognize who’s sitting beside me.

He nods. “I’m glad you’re awake. Prez has been worried something fierce. You had all of us panicking when we got the call you’d been hit.”

“Fuck, my head hurts, bad.”

“Yeah, you smacked it against the pavement pretty good. Doc says you’ve had one helluva concussion. You’re lucky you landed the way you did so your head hit last, or you’d probably have died. At least, that’s what the doctor thinks. She seems to know her shit, so we believe her.”


“Yep, damn near the whole club is staying at the closest motel down the road. We’ve been taking turns coming to sit with you in case you wake up. None of us wanted to stay behind, you had all of us climbing in cages the moment we heard.”

“Thanks, brother.”

“You’d do it if it was one of us.”