Page 14 of Dirty Boy

I swear her mouth is going to be my death. Either from the shit she spews or from the way she can work my cock. “You have no idea. We’re barely getting started,” I promise as her stomach lets out a loud grumble and her sexy smirk breaks into an embarrassed giggle. Fucking adorable, and it makes me like her more.

I’m so fucked.

Her cheeks flush as she admits, “As good as it sounds, I’m starving. I skipped the snacks earlier in favor of my pants and gun to be prepared for anyone who wasn’t you showing up.”

“Then we need to feed you.” And me, I wasn’t feeling it too badly before, but suddenly, I’m starving and have the overwhelming desire to watch her wrap those perfect lips around a fork. It’ll be a tease with every bite, but I enjoy a bit of foreplay before I eat my dessert.

I’ve never brought a woman to my cabin before, and I’m trying not to read too much into this, but I can’t help to be stuck in my head all day. Aside from the glaring detail that I have feelings for her, real feelings, I have to come up with a plan to keep her safe. She may believe she can keep herself alive, but I know the club. The RBMC always does whatever the fuck it wants, hell, it’s part of the reason why I ever considered joining. I loved the freedom of being myself but also knowing I had a group of brothers to watch my back, no matter where I may be, as we have clubs all over the place.

I should text my prez and feel him out a bit. See if he’s blown a fucking gasket yet or if there’s a possibility he’s thinking rationally about how this could blow back on every single one of us. Ripper isn’t an easy man, and he’ll do absolutely anything to protect his woman and club. I would too if I were the prez, but unfortunately, I don’t hold enough power to have them bend to whatever I want. Sure, we vote on shit, but in the end, Ripper is the one in charge who calls the shots. I need to give him a heads-up about the prospect too, which I know will piss him the fuck off. It’s another loose end to tie up, but I’ll take care of it.

After checking the woodpile, I split some more logs, refill it, and then get a hearty fire going inside the cabin. Today was chilly so I know tonight will drop lower than last night. Angel hasn’t shown up yet, so he must’ve sent the prospect ahead of him while he checked out other places. Or else he doesn’t realize the guy’s dead, which means he’s distracted by something, and it could work in our favor. With Angel, there’s no telling, so I have to remain vigilant regardless of what I think.

If only Sydney wasn’t a goddamn US Marshal, this trip could’ve gone entirely different. First of all, I wouldn’t have brought her up here so soon into us seeing each other, and I assume we’d have brought her daughter with us when we did finally make the trip. I’m a bit rattled at the fact I’m picturing us here together at all, it’s never been something I’ve imagined in the past when I’ve fucked a chick. It’s how I know she’s different compared to all the other nameless faces who’ve warmed my bed in the past. The truth of the matter is I ran to warn her as soon as I could and then took it upon myself to protect her. Now, I’ve killed someone for her safety and am conjuring up images of us here, together, and not hiding out, but spending time together. As what? A family? Where the hell did that thought come from?


I’m in too deep.

And we’ve only gotten started.

“Oh my God, Blow. Did you know about this?”

“Know about what?”

“The snow.”

“Excuse me?” I know it’s gotten a hell of a lot colder since we arrived yesterday, but she’s tripping talking about snow. I stride over to the window next to her and peer outside. “Holy fuck. It’s snowing.”

“That’s what I said.”

“To answer your question, no, I didn’t know shit about any snow. The old timer at the store down the road was ranting about some big storm moving in, but this is Texas, I figured he meant it was fixing to rain for a day or two. Toss in the prospect’s arrival and it wasn’t at the front of my mind.” Without another word, I take off for the storage room again, digging through supplies until I find what I’m looking for. I make my way back to the table with a huff, not ready to deal with snowy roads and the mess it entails for motorcycle riders.

“A radio?” she asks and I nod.

“Yeah, Spice. It’s a crank radio so you don’t have to worry about plugging it in or anything.” I find the weather station, listening intently to the report until both of our jaws drop.

“That can’t be right. We won’t be able to ride in snow like that, especially here. They don’t salt the roads like they do up north. We need to leave right now before it gets too bad and we’re stuck here.”

“Not happening. If we head south, you’re as good as dead.”

“We don’t know that.”

I shoot her a look, silently conveying I do in fact know better. With a beat, I think over the possibilities and say, “This is good.”

“How do you figure? It’s almost Valentine’s, and I’m going to be away from my daughter!”

“I’m sorry we couldn’t bring your little girl, but trust me when I say she’s much safer away from you until we get this all figured out. The storm will work in our favor because none of the guys will ride up here as long as there’s snow in the forecast. They may bring a truck, but they’ll probably wait it out. I know my club. This buys us some time so I can try and talk some sense into my prez.”

“Do you truly think Ripper is able to reason? I go against everything you guys stand for.”

“Not everything,” I attempt to rationalize. Regardless of what the outside world may think, we’re not all monsters hell bent on some sort of vendetta. Most of us are normal guys who either want to be left alone or were cast out of society in some way. For example, Baker’s the nicest dude out there, he just likes to bake all his shit with weed in it. Hence the not fitting in around everyone. “My club does not enjoy hurting women in any way, we attempt to avoid it at all costs. If I’m able to discuss terms with Prez over a few days or however long it takes for this storm cell to clear out, we may have a chance at ending this entire thing without you bleeding out.”

“Gee, what a great choice of words. I suddenly feel remarkably better now.”

I roll my eyes at her sarcasm but manage to refrain from laughing. “Not gonna sugarcoat shit with you, you deserve better.”

She nods, teeth sinking into her bottom lip, and fuck, if it isn’t the sexiest look on her yet. This woman is something else. “The food I got from the store, along with what I already have on hand here, should last us at least a week if we’re mindful. There’s enough gas in the generator to run the space heaters if it gets too bad, along with candles for light. We have a wood stove and fireplace to keep us warm. I can move the mattress in front of the fireplace so we’re not cold at night. This will all work out. It’s not my first cold weather experience up here.”