Page 9 of Dirty Boy

“Where are we even going?”

“You should be peeing, Spice.”

With a huff, I shake my head. “How am I supposed to trust you when you won’t tell me where we’re going?”

“You really want to get into this right now? For all we know, they could be ten minutes behind us.”

“Fine, you’re right,” I mutter and take my butt inside, making sure to keep my hair tucked into the back of my hoodie and my sunglasses on. Evening is fast approaching, but I doubt he’ll want me to take the shades off until we get to our destination. Wherever it may be.

I do my business, scrub my hands, buy a pack of snowballs and a bottled water. I step outside, shoving a full pink snowball in my mouth when Blow meets me coming in. His brow rises, taking in my puffy cheeks and lips covered in coconut shavings. I just shrug and continue chewing. If I only have a ten-minute break, I’m making the most out of it and fuck knows my body needs some sugar with an impending adrenaline crash coming soon. I’ve been in too many dangerous situations to not know it’ll happen eventually, and I need to be prepared for it. Folding the package, I stuff the other marshmallow cakey goodness in my pocket and unscrew the cap of my water. I chug half the bottle down and hold out the remaining to Blow when he exits the building.

“Thanks, babe,” he says absently and chugs the rest. He tosses the bottle in the trash and hops back on his bike.

I want to tell him not to call me babe, but now’s not the time. Heaving out a sigh, I heft my leg over the seat and then hold on tight. I have a feeling this man won’t give me any clues, and with him used to riding all the time, I may not be able to walk by the time we make it.

Chapter 5


Despite the circumstances, the ride is beautiful once I get over the initial panic of possibly getting shot in the back and my muscles unclench as I can breathe steady again. This ride has always been one of my favorites, as I’ve been driving the same route since I was a teen. Unlike Sydney, I don’t have a family to call my own, not even extended. I know she does, I saw the pictures of them everywhere, and there was no doubt she was related. She looks so much like her parents. Lincoln’s dumb ass was even in all of them. I won’t lie, that part sucked the most. Obviously, they’ve been together since they were teenagers which makes our circumstances even more fucked up. If she were my woman, there’s no way she’d be fucking other men. Hell, even now, I don’t want to think of her with anyone else. For some reason, she feels like mine, and my heart isn’t trying to hear anything different.

The first place I thought of when I heard Angel’s motorcycle approaching back at her place was my cabin. It used to belong to my grandfather, and he left it to me when he passed. I didn’t even know about him until my mother died. She’d always told me my relatives were dead, but there he was, showing up to bury his only daughter. He’d hugged me and cried, telling me my mother would never let him see me, that she kept my whereabouts a secret. I didn’t tell him I was a drug dealer and hadn’t been around my mom much since I was a kid. She was a junkie, and it wasn’t good when you had a stash hidden. She’d have ripped the place apart to find my shit, and I’d have been fucked. Probably would’ve ended up dead before she did.

Anyhow, the old man asked me for a chance to be in my life. I took it for what it was: another empty promise. Boy, was I wrong. My grandfather treated me like I was the son he never had. Brought me up to the cabin whenever I’d let him, but I refused to stay with him for good. I was in too deep with making money the only way I knew how. On the streets. My gramps never asked me any questions, and deep down, I think he knew I was up to no good, but he never made me feel judged.

He passed when I was twenty, and I found out he’d left the cabin and his old pickup truck to me. It was the only time I can ever remember crying over my family since I was a little kid. My life was hard, and I learned early on my tears wouldn’t save me. However, his passing hit me differently and grief like no other found it’s way into my soul. In the end, he wasn’t another empty promise, he taught me what being a real man was truly about.

Now, I come up here a couple times a year to get away from everything. Don’t get me wrong, I love club life, it’s what I do, but sometimes it’s too noisy. Or if I go on a bender and eventually decide it’s time to come out of it, I’ll escape to the cabin. I take a week or two to fish, sleep, eat, detox, and soak up the peacefulness of everything. Maybe one day I’ll start spending more time at the cabin, but right now, I’m happy with my life. At least I was until Spice walked in my path and shook shit up. Now, I may have to spend all my damn time at the cabin if my club figures out I’m the one who took Sydney out of town.

What was I thinking?

I wasn’t. I heard she had a kid and didn’t hesitate to tell her to get the fuck out of there. I refuse to take away someone’s momma, especially one who actually loves her kid like Sydney obviously does. I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t even attempt to save her life.

“This is it,” I mutter once we get inside the cabin and I have a lantern lit. “Kitchen area, fireplace, to the right is the bathroom, and to the left is the bedroom.” I gesture around, pointing out the tiny living space. The kitchen isn’t much with a small table and three chairs. The living area has two recliners with a table between them facing the fireplace. There was no reason to keep the old broken couch when Grandpa died, so I tossed it and got the chairs. I wasn’t expecting to have company anytime soon to need a couch again. If any of the brothers come up, they usually toss their bedroll wherever and call it a night.

Things are different with Sydney. There’s the fact she’s married and has a kid. Also that we fucked, and now my club’s hunting her. Here I thought dealing with Maddy’s shit was a big deal... clearly, I didn’t know what I was in for when I got pissed and invited the first sexy woman I saw to hop on the back of my bike.

“One bedroom?” She tears me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, only one bed and I didn’t bring my bedroll with me. Was in too much of a hurry to grab it.” I don’t mention the extra sleeping bags and supplies my grandfather kept around. He lived here full time so there’s plenty of blankets. I’m being put out by this shit enough, she doesn’t deserve me going easy on her by showing her I have everything we could need already.

“We’re both adults, we can share the bed,” she offers as if it’s her decision.

This is my damn cabin! Of course, I planned on giving her the bed, but I was expecting to play the martyr. Maybe make her feel guilty a little or something by offering to take the hard, wood floor before bringing up the idea of sharing the actual bed.

“Fine,” I mutter, moving around to get the place up and running. First thing I do is take a piss, then move to the storage room to pull out the generator. I’ll check it over tomorrow in the daylight, before starting it. “You need a fire, or you warm enough?” We should be fine in bed, but the end of the ride got a bit chilly once the sun went down.

“I was cold outside, but I’m okay in here.”

Shoving the curtain covering the shelves located under the kitchen counter out of the way, I grab a jar of peanut butter and some graham crackers. Setting them on the table, I reach for another lantern and get it going. “I’m going to rinse the road off of me. Here’s some snacks,” I offer and take the new lantern with me back to the bathroom.

She decides to shower after I’m done, shrieking when she realizes the water is frigid. Laughing to myself, I shove the recliner in front of the door. It won’t stop the guys from getting in, but it should at least make enough noise to warn me before I’m shot to death laying in bed with the enemy. At the end of the day, it’s exactly what she is. Sydney was in my club trying to find drugs or whatever else she could to make a bust. No matter how much my body craves hers, there’s no denying the cold, hard facts.

I quickly make the bed and then hop in, naked. I don’t sleep in clothes, and I’m not about to start. It’s not like she hasn’t seen me bare before. My fingers, tongue, and cock were all up in her pussy, making her scream in pleasure. I wonder if ol’ Linc can make her come as hard as I do? Just the mere thought pisses me the fuck off, and I end up punching my pillow a few times before giving in and slamming my head back on it. I need to stop thinking about Sydney’s glorious pussy altogether, it’s done nothing but cause trouble so far.

“You could’ve warned me there isn’t hot water.” She shuffles in, wearing only her t-shirt and panties. Definitely no bra because her nipples are hard as fuck under her shirt. Ugh, this is going to be difficult. My cock wants all her attention, while I’m trying to ignore everything about her. It’s basically impossible though, she’s my real-life dream woman. Minus the goddamn Marshal job and husband. I don’t even mind that she has a kid. Hell, I’d be fully on board with the kid and all, if it wasn’t for the fucking husband waiting for her to come home. Am I salty? Just a little bit, but can you blame me?

“And miss you shrieking like a psycho over it? Nah.”