“Not possible. I don’t have access to information to other cases I’m not assigned to.” I’m bluffing, but we’ll see if he calls me on it.
He grunts, chewing the inside of his cheek while he stares me down. The older man beside him, Whiskey, leans in to mutter something into his ear. Blow interrupts, “Whatever you’re saying, Whiskey, man the fuck up and tell the rest of us.”
With a huff, Whiskey says, “I was telling Prez she’d be a good club asset and we should negotiate.”
“Last I checked, that’s my fucking job,” Blow grumbles, making Ripper’s brows jump.
“Still my VP?” he asks, and the grumpy biker behind me grunts in acknowledgement. Maybe we won’t die today after all. “Good. Let’s go back to the club and talk terms.”
“How do I know Sydney is safe?” Blow’s arm tightens around me. He must be feeling a little better compared to when he first arrived. He was so pale earlier, I thought he was going to pass out.
“I only had Angel take her because I wanted to see how serious you are about her and if it was real, then if she’d be open to our terms. Your woman will be fine, as she’s agreed to talk terms,” he says, then shifts his attention back to me. “Right, Sydney?”
This is it, the moment of truth. Do I truly care about Blow to change my life? My future? I’d already decided I’d kill to protect him, so the only thing that comes to my mind is that I’m in love with him. It’s too soon, everything has moved at warp speed, but it’s not like we’re talking marriage. We’re merely taking the first step just to get to be together at all. While I hate the thought of jeopardizing everything I’ve worked for, I can’t help but reflect on how I was feeling being taken from Blow. All I could think of during that time was how to get back to Blow and my daughter. Along with how much I hate Angel, but it’s not the point. The point is, I’ve fallen for Blow. I want the chance to come back to the cabin with him. To share my life and allow him to be in my daughter’s life too. Maybe it makes me crazy, but when I look at my scratched and bruised biker, I can’t imagine a future without him in it. Love is the most powerful emotion I’ve ever felt before and my heart is telling me to choose him.
“We can discuss the details and negotiate. I’m not giving Blow up,” I state firmly, and for the first time, Ripper cracks a grin when Plague comments how Gem will get a kick out of me. I guess it’s a good thing to have the presidents ol’ lady as a potential future ally. I have a feeling in this club, with the job I have, I will need all the people backing me up as I can get. It sure as hell won’t be easy, but nothing ever worthwhile is.
My heart wants Blow, and I’ll do anything for the people I love. Including selling my soul to the devil for a sliver of happiness.
Blow lets out a sigh of relief once he hears my answer, and I can feel the tension leaving his body. This might not be the easiest decision I’ve ever made, nor the safest, but I know in my heart it’s the right one where our relationship is concerned. We exchange a quick, relieved look before turning our attention back to Ripper.
He nods, while the rest of the bikers watch with interest, waiting to see how things will unfold. “Let’s head back to the clubhouse and get this settled then, there’s no time like the present. Besides, Blow needs to be home, where he can heal.” He orders the others, “Check out and grab your shit.” He nods towards the vehicles. “Wrench, you drive Blow and his woman.”
“Prez.” A guy nods and steps towards the truck Blow was leading us to earlier. “I’ll get the heat going,” he comments as he passes us. In the next beat, the door closes and the truck starts.
Blow presses a kiss to the side of my head. “Come on, Spice. Let’s get the fuck out of here, I’m freezing. Could use a bottle of Jack to take some of this fucking pain away too.”
As we make our way to the truck, I can’t help but wonder what the future holds for us. I’ll need to keep my wits about me and be careful who I trust. In this world, anything can change if they think for even a moment you’re on the wrong side. I glare at Angel as he passes us. He ignores me, not even glancing in my direction, which is fine for now. I’ll never forget the hell he put me through and once Blow is healed, I’ll damn sure tell him what really happened. He’s the VP and his enforcer needs to face the repercussions for his actions.
Once we get situated in the warm vehicle and begin the long drive home, I take a deep breath. I release it slowly, my mind racing with all the possibilities that lay ahead. I glance at Blow, who grips my hand tightly, his eyes filled with hope and a little bit of fear. I know that this decision will change our lives forever, but I can’t help but feel a sense of relief knowing that we will be able to be together.
“I’m Sydney,” I say to the man driving.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Wrench.” I nod, because I know him from his file. Former mechanic and MP in the military. I wonder if his club knows he was military police and if not, what would happen if they found out? Would they bury him? And why did he leave the military and join a biker club? Sure, it was common back in the day. Vets would come home from Vietnam and not get the help they deserved. They’d felt ostracized and were grossly misunderstood so many choose the MC lifestyle, but why did Wrench?
Not my business. At least, not unless I need to make it mine.
“We’re good?” Blow rasps beside me, and I realize he’s directed the question at Wrench.
“Yeah, Brother. Always.”
“Bet.” He nods, then lays his head against the window. Moments later, he’s snoring softly, and it hits me how badly he truly looks. The man is all types of banged up and he just stormed into the hotel to rescue me.
“Do I want to know what that was all about?” I whisper.
Wrench slides his gaze to mine briefly before directing it back on the road. Quietly, he confesses, “At the hospital when he woke up and I wouldn’t tell Blow where you were?”
“He stole my gun, held it to my head until I gave him your location. Then he had me rip his IV out and borrowed my truck to get to you. I’ve never seen him act that way for anyone before. He said you are his. He said he loves you, so I gave him my truck keys and let him leave.”
Blow risked his life several times for me, I’m discovering and yeah, I definitely love the guy. If I didn’t before, I do now.
“Because you knew how to take your gun back?” I guess, knowing he was a trained military police officer.
His gaze meets mine again and he must see something there because he decides to trust me enough to admit, “I could’ve, but my brother needed it in that moment more than I did.”
“Thank you. And just so you know, he’s mine too.”