Page 22 of Dirty Boy

“You stay here, and I’ll check it out, okay?”

“Thanks,” I gruffly reply. I swear each breath is like getting stabbed in my ribs, and it’s hard as hell to make myself breathe so I don’t pass out. As soon as she’s close to my room, I take off down the next hall. Finding the closest exit, I’m outside in no time, gun in hand, trying to keep the hospital gown from flapping in the wind and my ass crack from hanging out. I don’t care so much about the nudity, it’s the chill in the air that has me gasping and tightening my muscles. On one hand, it feels good to my wounds, but in the same instance feels like it may just kill me if I clench any harder.

I need to get to Sydney to make sure she’s safe. Angel has crossed a line, and I won’t let it go unpunished. Wrench’s words about my woman being at a motel down the road are ringing in my ears. I grip the Glock tighter, trying to steady my hand as I round the corner and come face to face with my prez. He’s standing by the entrance to the hospital, his eyes narrowed in concern.

“You sure you want to do this?”

“I have to find her, Prez,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper. “He took her, and I can’t stand the thought of losing her. Nothing matters anymore without her.” I don’t wait for his response, as I see Wrench’s truck and getting to her is the only thing on my mind.

After what feels like forever, even though it was only fifty feet or so, I make it to the truck, knowing this is the only way to reach Spice as quickly as possible no matter how much it’s going to hurt climbing in and out. I fumble with the keys, eventually getting inside and crank the engine. The heater pushes cool air in the cab as soon as the truck starts and I quickly shove the vent away, breathing deeply.

Without further ado, I steer the truck down the road, spotting the motel Wrench mentioned. I pull into the parking lot and climb out, nearly falling over from the pain in my leg, ribs and pounding in my head. I lurch towards the door, fumbling with my grip on the Glock. There’s no room for screwing up, so I have to get my shit together. It takes me a moment to locate the room number, but eventually, I find it and attempt to prepare myself for what I may find.

Quietly, I try the knob, finding it locked. I’d expect nothing less, but I’d have been a fool not to check beforehand because this is going to hurt. Drawing in a deep breath, I find every bit of strength I can muster and step back. Lifting my good leg that only has road burn and no stitches, I give the door a powerful kick. It flies open, but the impact is enough to rattle me, and I cry out in pain.

“Blow!” Sydney screams from inside, her hands over her mouth as she gapes, eyes wide. I probably look like I was buried alive at this point, but that’s the least of our problems. I’m torn between rage and relief, my heart aching for her. I steady the gun, not knowing what to expect from Angel.

“Come on, Spice. Time to go home, baby. I promised to get you there and I mean it,” I rasp, on the verge of passing out, but I hold on to the light for her. Angel’s standing away from the door, like he’d jumped up when I kicked it. He stares at me, and I swear I think the brother is in shock.

“Brother, I’m here for my woman. Don’t make me kill you, because I will. She’s mine. I love her.”

His brow scrunches, glancing between both of us. I can tell he’s struggling with what to do, but ultimately, he surprises me. “Go. Promise me you’ll get somewhere and rest,” he says, making me think I must look like I’m already dead for him to not put up a fight.

Sydney jumps from the bed, tears streaming down her face as she runs for me. She’s in her hospital gown and a robe, looking a bit banged up herself, but I’ve never seen a woman so damn beautiful before. “Blow!” My strong woman sobs, her arms coming around me. She slides under my good arm, offering me support to help hold me up. I send a nod to Angel, grateful he didn’t kill her, nor make me kill him in retaliation.

As we turn, I find Prez, Wrench, and the rest of the brothers behind me. We’re surrounded, no way of getting through them all, while still breathing. “If you plan to hurt her, you’ll have to kill me first.”

Prez steps forward, “You’d seriously die for her?” he asks in front of the brothers.

“Without hesitation. I don’t want to live in a world without her in it. Where she doesn’t get to be a momma to her baby girl.”

His penetrating stare lands on Sydney next, “You’d let him die for you?”

She shakes her head. “Never. I’ll kill every single one of you who tries to hurt him.” She grabs the Glock from my hand and points it at the group of my brothers.

Angel steps up behind us. “She’s a ballsy bitch. Would make an asset. Took everything in me not to wring her fuckin’ neck with her smart-ass mouth.” He mutters and in a different situation, I’d grin. My woman doesn’t take shit from anyone, I learned that early on, it’s one of the things I love about her.

Prez cocks his head, thinking. Eventually, he says to Sydney, “There’s only one way we can let you live.”

“What’s that?” she asks, not showing an ounce of fear, only strength as she holds me up, ready to shoot whoever gets too close to us.

“You have to flip. You either leave the Marshals, or else you flip and feed us information. We could benefit from having an ol’ lady on the inside.”

Fuck. Wasn’t expecting that.

Chapter 12


“You say you’d kill for our brother, but would you turn for him?”

Holy. Shit. He wants me to give up everything I’ve worked for to essentially become an informant for the club. “Turn? Care to elaborate on what that entails?” I question, before agreeing or turning anything down. One thing we’re taught from the beginning is to talk less and listen more. By doing so, people have given us many more details than they originally planned to. Not only do people like to talk about themselves, but they also dislike silence. In most cases, it makes them uncomfortable and they begin spilling details they wouldn’t normally give up. If only he were a typical perp and I was fishing for information, my life would be much easier right now.

He flicks his gaze to Blow, then back to me. It’s nerve wracking having all the biker’s eyes locked on me, but I refuse to show an ounce of intimidation in front of them. “You can start by dropping the gun. Then we can all head back to the clubhouse and have a friendly discussion about what information you have on us. I’d want details, of course, then we’d come to an agreement in which you’d tell us in the future if there are any cases with us involved.”

Releasing a breath, I decide what he’s asking me is fucked up and against the law, but it’s not nearly as bad as I was expecting. It would be a way for me and Blow to be able to be together. I wouldn’t have to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life, wondering if Angel is hunting me or coming after my family. I could protect Blow by doing this and still be able to have him in my life. It’d be the best of both worlds. “And what happens if I agree?”

“That’s not all. We’d need you to help us out with information when possible.”