Page 11 of Dirty Boy

“Blow, please.”

Shaking my head, I sigh and say, “I need to get out of here. I’ll head to the store or something, I just can’t do this right now.”

“Lincoln’s not who you think he is; let me explain.”

Chapter 6


I’m reduced to basically pleading with Blow. I have to make him listen to me so I can tell him the truth. My life is set up a certain way to keep me and my daughter safe and I shouldn’t open up to this biker about it, but I can’t keep the charade going. We barely know each other and yet he’s already put his life on the line for my safety, because in the end, if his club finds out about him warning me and bringing me here, they may kill him.

Standing in front of the door, I face off with him. “Why would you risk yourself for me? You’re the VP of your club, those men rely on you.”

“Trying to get me to call Angel? Because face it, darlin’, we both know he’s on the hunt for you this very moment.”

“Tell me why. You’ve brought me this far, please explain what you get out of all of this.”

“I don’t want you disappearing on your daughter for the rest of her life. You made some shitty decisions coming into the club and snooping around, but it doesn’t mean she deserves growing up without her momma.”

“You care that much about a little girl you don’t know?”

“I care about all children, whether I know them or not.”

“You’re nothing what I expected, Trent. Not even a little bit. Her name’s Brisbane, but I call her Bri for short.” I go on to tell him about my girl since he’s willing to put his life in danger to keep me alive for her. I’d never open up to a criminal, but there’s something different when it comes to him. I know people always say that and I’ve believed it was a load of shit in the past, but with him, I see it. “My mother named me Sydney because she always wanted to visit Australia but was too scared to fly that far. I kept with the Australia name in honor of my mom.”

He nods, remaining silent. The tension’s so thick between us, it feels like it may snap at any moment. While I pride myself in doing well in difficult situations, this one has me rambling, wanting to say anything and everything so he doesn’t walk out the door upset. For some reason, I’ve come to care for this guy in the short time we’ve been together, and I can’t seem to figure out what keeps drawing me to him. I may be new to Blow, but I’ve been studying his club, including him, for months preparing to infiltrate. All the work and digging I did, just to let some hidden cameras fuck everything up.

“Linc’s not her father,” I quietly admit, and his brows shoot up. “He’s uh... not my husband either.”

“Bullshit,” he grunts, and I hastily shake my head.

“He’s not. I mean it. He’s actually my brother.”

“Well, this just went in a direction I didn’t see coming.”

I can’t help but laugh. “It’s not like that either. He’s my family care plan for when I’m on a job. Him and my mom take care of Brisbane when I’m undercover. He knows most of the people I work with, but when he meets someone new, he pretends to be my husband unless I correct him.”

“Why would he do that?”

“It started because one day I saw him on the street when I was working. He didn’t realize I was undercover at the moment and started talking to me in a familiar manner. When the fugitive asked why, I said he was an ex to make him seem irrelevant. The last thing I wanted him or his associates to know was that Linc is my family, someone I love and then Linc ends up getting hurt because of it. Don’t get me wrong, my brother really is law enforcement and can take care of himself, but I’m not adding to the danger he’s already involved in.”

He nods and I continue, grateful he’s giving me the chance to clarify. “Anyhow, since then we came up with a plan—if we’re out we either don’t know each other or he’s my ex so he has a reason to speak to me but also not raise any flags. If he’s at my house, especially when Brisbane is home, he pretends to be my husband to scare anyone off I may want him to.”

“I guess it doesn’t sound too crazy when you explain it.” It also makes sense why I didn’t guess they were related seeing them in pictures together. They look completely different; I wonder if they have different fathers?

My teeth sink into my lower lip as I watch him process everything. I hate that I’ve had to lie to him about everything, but I haven’t had a choice. I’ve been on the job, searching for a fugitive that we believe a member in his club may either be in contact with or has possibly killed them. I was searching around his club, trying to find whatever information I could, and if I came across a big enough drug bust, then I would’ve been able to tear that club apart as well as lock them all up long enough to delve deeper into the fugitive situation.

We’ve been on a manhunt for a freaking year, and the first lead we’ve had in a long time has pointed us towards the Royal Bastards. We knew it wouldn’t be easy getting close, so we set up a few of us trying to infiltrate. My in was trying to get close to a brother through the dating app, then the strip club. A few others were supposed to create contact points with members and establish a line of trust to get closer. So far, I’m the only one who has gotten to step foot into their clubhouse, and it got all fucked up. Now they’ll know without a doubt we’re looking into them, and it’ll screw up any possible chance we may’ve had of finding our fugitive.

“Were the drugs at the club really so important to you? Even after we’d slept together?”

“It’s not all black and white. If I’d found your club’s stash or any other incriminating evidence, it would’ve only opened the club up for a deeper investigation. They weren’t our top priority, but when it comes down to it, yes, it would’ve been a big deal. Taxpayers like to see busts, especially with the border crises. It would work in our favor come funding time.”

“So you’re not married. Do you have a boyfriend? Baby daddy drama?”

My lips tilt into a smirk. “No. I’m single. Brisbane’s father signed his rights away. He didn’t want to pay child support.”

“Fucking shitbag.”