Page 47 of The Villain Edit

“Don’tAshme,” I snap, brushing the dampness from my eyes. “Stop the fucking car or you can explain to the police and the media why I jumped out of it while you were going sixty.”

He slows down and pulls over, putting the car in park. “Be reasonable. We both know—”

I’m already out of the car, slamming the door on whatever it is he thinks we both know.

The window rolls down. “Ash, get in the car.”

I flip him off and start walking. There’s a town ahead—I can see it in the glimmering distance, maybe a mile away.

Gabe idles alongside me. “Come on. You got what you wanted. Why are you so mad?”

I catch the scream before it has the chance to leave my lips.Because you don’t want me!I can’t say that to him and I hate myself for even thinking it. I don’twantto want him. And yet here I am, the same place I always am. Wanting someone who doesn’t want me.

Thank god it’s only sex. If I fell in love with this asshole, after breaking my heart over Nic for decades…

“Ashley, get in the goddamn car.”

I flip him off again.

“Fine,” he snaps. “You can walk into town. Maybe you’ll decide this little tantrum isn’t worth it. I’ll wait for you there.”

He accelerates slowly, and I imagine he’s checking the mirror and watching to see if I’ll run after the car.

I won’t.

He can drive into town and think about how he left me out in the middle of nowhere because he was too stubborn to enjoy a no-strings blow job.

Fucking Gabriel Sinclair. The worst kind of unicorn.

He drives by me a couple of times and he’s the only car that does. Both times I ignore him. It’s about a hundred and twelve degrees and I’m baking in the sun, but fuck him.

This might be the worst walk of shame of my life.

His stupid car is parked on the outskirts of town, waiting. He’s been keeping an eye on me the whole time. The asshole is leaning against the car licking a goddamn ice cream cone when I walk up to him.

As if he can feel the murderous rage rolling off me, he holds out a second cone, melting fast in the heat. “I got you one.”

I take it and smash it into his forehead and keep walking.

Chapter fifteen



That gets Ashley into my car, but she doesn’t say a word and refuses to talk to me. Not that I make an effort—having a melting ice cream cone slammed into my forehead pissed me off, especially after I spent last night fighting the urge to knock on her hotel room door because Idowant her. That’s the problem.

At this point, we’re both so keyed up nothing good can come from talking. Ash can have her little tantrum and her silent treatment, and she does. Eventually, she falls asleep. I drive with my thoughts for company and even that’s too much.

I wasn’t planning on stopping at my aunt’s house. I haven’t seen Cora since I found out about Michael. I don’t want to tell her about his hypocrisy and betrayal, and I resent the hell out of him for turning me into someone who’d lie to her. Christ, if she found out just how imperfect he was—if she finds out how imperfect I am? I don’t think I could handle it.

But right now, I need a reminder of who I need to be. Something to firm up my resolution to stay out of something complicated with Ashley Foley. This thing between us…it’s too dangerous. She’s every bad habit I’ve avoided, every depraved desire I’ve suppressed.

I’ll lie to my aunt to save myself.

Ash wakes as I turn onto the long gravel drive. “Where are we?”

“Cora Sinclair’s house,” I tell her.