Page 105 of The Villain Edit

“Enjoy it,” he says, walking down the hall with a laugh.

I will, as much as I can. But first, the photo shoot.

It’s half an hour of posing in underwear. So why does my stomach drop as the elevator carries me up?

I shake it off. The elevator I’m in is a private one, the doors opening onto a small marble foyer. The double doors into the room are shut, and my one sad piece of luggage waiting against the wall. Leaving it there so it won’t be in the way, I open the door and step through.

The air inside is sweet with the scent of flowers—that’s what I notice first. I breathe it in, my eyes scanning the beautifully decorated room. There are roses everywhere, plump and red. The massive windows have a perfect Manhattan view.

And then I see him.


He’s sitting on one of the elegant sofas, wearing the hell out of a suit, holding a glass of amber liquid as he stares at me. Not in shock or anger or disappointment. The look on his face is tormented, and I realize what this is.


I’ve been set up.

He did this. Got my family on his side to get me here. It’s a trap and I can’t move because I want it to be a trap, but I also want to throw the nearest vase of flowers at his head.

Gabe stands, closes the distance between us in three large strides, and stumbles to his knees.

Chapter thirty-six


OneminuteI’mstanding,the next, I’m on my knees, staring up at Ashley like she contains my whole world, because she does, or at least the parts of it most worth holding onto. My days and nights are empty without her, one long nightmare I’m waking up from. I hope.

Her expression is closed off, and she crosses her arms. Protecting herself. From me.

The pain is so sharp it steals my breath. I did this to her, and I’d give anything to take it all back and do things differently.

“What are you doing here?” she finally asks, her voice shaking.

I shouldn’t touch her. She’s not mine to touch and I don’t have permission, but my hands move to grip her hips, stopping inches from her. “Can I touch you?” My voice breaks.

Her expression doesn’t soften, but she uncrosses her arms and her fingers thread through my hair. I melt into her touch. God, I’ve missed her. I grab handfuls of her soft summer dress and hold on tight.

“What I did was inexcusable. I’m not going to ask your forgiveness because I don’t deserve it.” I rest my forehead against her stomach and breathe her in while her fingers slowly comb through my hair. The relief I feel from the simple touch brings tears to my eyes. “I’m sorry I asked you to be my secret. I’m sorry I chose my reputation and image over you, and more than anything, I’m sorry I let my fears get in the way of my trust in you. When you needed me, I tossed you aside. I’ll never forgive myself for that.”

Her fingers still. “How are you here? Shouldn’t you be on set?”

My stomach dives at the reminder of what I’ve done to my career, but she’s worth it. God, is she worth it. “This is more important.”

“You walked off set,” she says in faint shock.

I clutch her dress tighter, hold her closer. When I speak, my voice is raw. “I’ll burn it all down for you.”

Ashley’s fingers leave my hair and she sinks onto her knees in front of me. Her fingers brush my cheeks for a few heartbeats before dropping away. “You’re really here.”

“I love you,” I tell her. “I’m here for you now and I swear I will always be here for you. Give me another chance, Ash. Please.”

Her soft eyes dim and she takes my hands, pulling them from her hips and holding them tight. “Nothing’s changed. It might never change, and I can’t try to be anything other than myself.”

“I don’t want you to be anything else. I’ve changed. You showed me how unhappy I was trying to be something I’m not. I’m done with that.” I bring her hands to my chest, placing them over my heart, and to my surprise, she doesn’t pull them back. “I love you. You are perfect. I promise, wherever we go, whatever we do, I will be on your side. The only legacy I want is one where I make you happy.”

She sniffles and sits back on her heels, her hands sliding from my chest to rest on her lap. “What if I say no?”