And I didn’t want him to. I just wanted to feel him, wanted a softer side of him to comfort me right now.
When he was in bed with me, Nikolai covered us with the comforter, pulled me in close, and just held me. I didn’t care that I was sore and sticky between my thighs, didn’t care that I still felt his cum slipping from my pussy.
I closed my eyes, rested a hand on his warm chest, and listened to him speak to me in a low, deep voice, his Russian words beautiful, lulling me to sleep.
“Sleep,krasavitsa.I’ll keep you safe.”
And I knew he would. With his life.
Because I knew how to work the coffee machine, my cup this morning didn’t taste like ass, and I didn’t have to put as much cream and sugar in it. I’d woken up pretty early, before the sun had even risen, and saw Nikolai was already gone.
The sheets beside me had been cold, telling me he hadn’t slept beside me for quite some time. I tried to call him but it had gone straight to voicemail. Although I knew he left early for work, I couldn’t help but have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach.
When I’d come downstairs I saw a note tacked to the refrigerator, informing me someone named Arseny had taken Sasha for the day. I admitted the house felt lonelier, empty without her here, and although she kept to herself, a silent companion, she was still the latter nonetheless.
I was now curled up on the leather couch, my coffee mug in one hand, my cell phone in the other as I dialed Claudia’s number. I shifted where I sat and hissed out as the sorenessbetween my thighs was intense. Then it had me blushing because that pain felt… good.
It had been a couple of days since I talked to her, but she’d been on my mind the entire time. My worry for her was not something I could get used to or push to the back burner.
I pressed the phone to my ear and listened to it ring as I brought my coffee mug up to my mouth and took a long drink. I stared at the splattering of clouds in the distance, an almost hazy fog over Desolation making it seem even more depressing.
True, I hadn’t done any “sightseeing” of the new city I called home, but I was pretty sure Nikolai wouldn’t want me to go walking around the city anyway. Maybe he’d take me out of the city frequently. Maybe I could make this work and not feel like I was living some stranger’s life.
“Hello?” I sat up straighter and focused my attention on the phone call. Claudia sounded groggy, as if I just woke her up. And although it was going on lunchtime, she’d always been a heavy sleeper and late riser.
I cleared my throat and said, “hey.” I heard some rustling on the other end, and could picture her lifting a hand and rubbing her eyes.
“Amara? It’s so early.”
I chuckled. “It’s going on noon.”
She groaned.
“How are you? I feel like it’s been forever since we talked or saw each other.” I was being ridiculous seeing as I’d just seen her a few days ago, but we’d never been apart this long
“Fine, I guess.” She yawned and I couldn’t help but smile.
Even though she was fifteen and starting to become more of a woman, she was still and always would be my little sister.
“How’s mom? Gio?” I didn’t ask about our father was because I was sure he was the same as he was just days before.An aggressive bastard who didn’t care about his family or if they were happy. I heard Claudia groan softly then more shuffling.
“Mother is fine,” she finally said. “Gio left the day you came over, after your wedding.” I could hear her moving around, then a moment later the sound of water running on came through.
“Gio’s gone? Where did he go?” My body was tense when I heard that. Gio said he would watch over her, but if he wasn’t there the only explanation was father had sent him away. “Did father send him away?”
“I don’t know. I just heard him and father arguing. And then that afternoon he was leaving with a bag packed slung over his shoulder. He told me he’d come back as soon as he could. He kissed me on the top of the head, and that was that.”
I set my coffee down and thought about her words, my dread turning to anger.
This wasn’t a coincidence. My father had sent our brother away because he knew Gio would stand in his way of treating Claudia like shit, taking his frustration and anger out on her. Of breaking her down so she was pliable.
“Father can be unbearable.” She finally said and after a second I could hear the phone click on to the speakerphone, the sound amplified, almost echoed. There was more splashing of water, then the faucet was turned off.
“I don’t know what you and him talked about that day you came over after your wedding, but he’s been on a rampage.” A long moment passed before she replied and then I heard a soft sigh come from her