“You boys are always bragging about those so-called muscles you have. Well, they just got put to the test!”

Mine, too. Once they were gone, I collapsed in a hot bath in my brand-new place.

Soak these aches away.

I wonder if I'll ever see my mystery musician again. Probably not.

But I could go to the club later. Once I'm settled. Once I have a new neighborhood routine figured out here.

For the first time since he left, I let my mind wander back to how hot the whole experience was. I sure was not going to tell him I hadn't had sex in several years!Gee Whiz!A girl's gotta havesomesecrets.

But I know I'm gonna be dreaming of him tonight.

Chapter 11


Ihadjustwokenup and made a smoothie, and Jared knocked at my door. He looked excited, and that got me worried.

“What is it, Jared?”

“Professor, that lady. That beautiful woman of yours? She and a couple of dudes are moving stuff out of her place!”

That gave me a jolt. The woman was preparing to move out.

Well. I was her Fond Farewell, I guess.

I still asked Jared, “Did this look like a legitimate thing?” “Oh yes, Professor. Two Misters her own age and her were laughing and talking like they knew each other really well. It was those two Misters helping her move plenty of boxes, a bed, and a sofa. Really moving out.”

“That's fine, then, Jared. As long as she looked safe.”

Nothing to do but let it be done. Jared and his men needed me today. Just focus on them today.

“Is everyone at the office?” I asked Jared. He nodded, “Couple the dudes, ahem, a couple of the men have some questions for you.”

I spent the rest of the morning with these former gang members turned literate, legitimate digital entrepreneurs. All Jared knew was that I was “one very high-tech dude.”

Without any details. Always the wallflower, always hiding in the shadows.

Really hiding in plain sight.

Over a number of conversations with just him at the gym or on the street with one of his lieutenants lurking in the background, we came to a mutual agreement. I had a lot of expensive equipment in my studio and they knew it. I also lived in a slum that was more dangerous than safe and we all knew it. When Jared saw my injuries from the mugging, he stepped up and proposed that the gang protect me, and not just my apartment—my whole building and the block it sat on.

And out of the blue, with no reflection at all, I told them that if they could learn to read and write good English, I would teach them how to make some legitimate money in the digital world.

That was before Carly died, so I had discussed all of this with her. Some of her last words to me were, “Take care of those young gentlemen. They have such potential. You did. And look what you became!”

We didn't have time for me to discuss how to do this with you, Carly. But I know you would agree. It's time for a change for the man who loved you, and who loves you still.

I still wished she’d let me marry her before she was gone.

Chapter 12


Ihadmadetheright choice by taking the job at MetriCooks.

It’s been a great two years already.