Looks like mom is excited. About the picnic?

Or about being with Hendrik Senior?

I had to chuckle.

After greetings and getting settled, the driver (another one I didn’t know by sight) took off. Papa patted my hand, “Don't worry, Beatrice, my dear! I know all of these young people and they are upright, outstanding, smart kids! What am I saying? Some of them are your age! And you're no kid!”

He chatted calmly and fairly quietly about yesterday's event at mom's house. We were headed, as I already knew, toward a major city park that rented pavilions for private picnics.

Earlier this morning, Hendrik assured me they had done this before with Jared’s crew. They had rented space where there were two BBQ grills and plenty of picnic tables and lots of lawn to spread blankets.

Hendrik did warn me though, “Some of the couples have very young kids. Hopefully, that won't bother you. And also, be prepared for some culinary delights. The men and women of Jared’s crew are first- and second-generation Americans, as I've told you, and they've kept their various culinary heritages alive! My mouth is watering just in anticipation of what some of them are going to be preparing! I hope!”

We arrive at the park. Jared's crew take me over right away. I know Trey and Jared and, by sight, I know two men whose names turn out to be Davy and Jeffrey. Luz reintroduces herself and Jared proudly lets me hold their three-year-old. Had to! He was clutching my hair!

The crew invited some of their parents who were off work. It’s mainly the moms who take over my mom. I notice the wives and women of Jared’s generation (my age, most of them) call all the older-generation women “Auntie,” and they call my mom Auntie right away, too.

Mom is eating this up!

I notice the men cluck all around Papa, and he seems totally at ease.

I get a little desperate and Hendrik must have noticed because he comes right over to me and pulls me into him by the waist. “A little overwhelming?” He asks it quietly in that deep baritone voice of his that excites me you-know-where and you-know-how-much.

I admit it, “Yes, a little bit, I think. No, a lot. I'm sure!” He gives me another hug.

He doesn't let me down. “Stick with me. I will protect my Lady Fair from the onslaught of strange individuals!” I giggle and we hold hands as he quietly leads me from one tiny group to the next to introduce me. I have no hope of remembering everyone's name!

He's read my mind. “Don't worry. They realize that they are a huge army and you’ll never remember their names today.”

I laugh as I nod, “I've already admitted to some of them that I won’t remember names right away!”

The women keep serving Auntie—aka my mom—mountains of different ethnicities of food.

Mom has brought this on herself! By ooohing and ahhing and saying Yum-Yum to every single thing they serve her!

That will teach her!

I also notice with pleasure that, with the other “aunties,” mom seems to be exchanging recipes! Maybe there will be some new fragrances coming from her kitchen in the next few days.

The day goes by quickly. I too have eaten mountains of delicious, indescribably exotic food. Hendrik must see that I am fading fast, and he quietly talks to one of the men. Then comes over to me. “Time to leave? Can I take you to my place for the night?” he whispers.

“Only if you roll me up the stairs and onto your bed. I have eaten that much!” I admit.

That evening, as we chatted about this and that, Hendrik expressed his need to do more for Jared and Jared’s crew. For a whole population of people in his neighborhood, in fact.

This surprises me as it's coming somewhat out of the blue, but I say, “This sounds like it’s been on your mind for a while.” He nods.

I guess now that I have met his crew, their girlfriends and wives, and their families, he was ready to open up about his connection to them all.

“Empty your brain in my lap about this,” I prod him.

He shared that there was a piece of property that he purchased as a joint venture with four of Jared’s crew members. It was a standalone building three stories tall and about 100 feet by 100 feet square with very little land around it.

“Whoa, whoa! Hold yer horses, pardner! Go back to the beginning. Tell me more about how this all started,” I urge him.

And I listened, enthralled with the wide range of people in his neighborhood, first of all. People speak several hundred languages in our vast metro area; I already knew that. But when Hendrik listed all the languages his crew and their families spoke, I was floored!

“Hendrik, that alone boggles the mind. How is it we manage to communicate with each other? It’s amazing when you think about it!”