Gee willikers, he’s so hot. So sexy. So … quiet.

Even that first night years ago he was so quiet. Sure I did all the talking in my loud-mouthed way. I guess I was a little nervous about bringing him home. Like any guy I don't know.

It just seemed like he was the total opposite of me. Maybe what they say about opposites attracting each other is true. He was the flip side of my brash loudness. And he still is. But deep within us, we have so much in common. Opposites in appearance only.

And jumpin’ Jehosaphat! Is he full of secrets or what?!

My life, at least in my own mind, is an open book.

I shake myself loose of my thoughts. It is only a couple of days later, a couple of days after discovering where Hendrik lives and how. It’s mid-morning at the office, and here I am daydreaming instead of working.

Yesterday Joseph and the two juniors cornered me on a break. Joseph stage-whispered conspiratorially, “Well... are you gonna take it? If they offer you the position, are you gonna take it? Inquiring minds wanna know!”

I noticed that the two younger coders were just as curious about my answer as Joseph was. “Guys! Bless your little hearts! I just don't know. No one has spoken to me again about it. For all I know they've already made an offer to two of the other people on their shortlist.Great Guns! I don't know, guys!”

I threw up my hands and tried to look comical as I shook my head.

But they were right.

You are wondering what the status is. And you really haven't heard anything else from them about it.

I decided that evening I would talk to Hendrik about it.

After all, he’s a billionaire tech consultant, right?!

Even though from the moment of Craig's slip-up Isuspectedthat Hendrik would be that Hank Enders mystery man, I'm not sure I ever believed it.

But there you go. Operating on little to no facts made you miserable.

Hendrik and I had a date for dinner and had agreed that one of Trey’s drivers would pick me up at work. Hendrik was less and less willing to have me take our big-city subway.

I think Jared had something to do with that decision.

It was actually Trey standing outside the driver’s side door and waving me down outside my office building. He came around and opened the sidewalk side passenger door for me.

And who do I see but Hendrik’s father!

I had never seen him outside the hospital. But I remembered him and knew exactly who was sharing the passenger seat with me.

A tall, powerfully built man like his son.

He pulled me in and made sure I got settled as Trey set off for the restaurant.

“I hope you don't mind that I have invited myself to dinner with you and Hendrik. He tried to tell me he had a date with you, but I said it's just dinner, and I want to speak to your lady.”

Well! Hendrik's father is certainly much more straightforward than Hendrik! I like it.

I ask, “Are you truly back to your healthy self, Mr. Endersson?”

“Ach! Call me Papa! Please. Everyone else does. As to your question, no. I think I ambetterthan I was before. When Hendrik was growing up, I was so careful to feed us real food. We were vegetarians from the start. Hendrik kept it up I guess, but when he moved out I started eating standard American food. I guess I like your junk food far too much!” We both laughed.

“But Hendrik brought me back to our old healthy ways. He's got me eating vegetarian again. I feel much better than before my incident and my doctor agrees that I’m healthier, too.” He reached over and patted my hand as if to say thank you for asking.

He continued chatting, “Why I wanted to speak to you was to say thank you for being close to my son during my hospitalization. He told me that you know about his stabbing. I have to say I was devastated when I found him in the hospital. So I can only imagine what he was feeling when he had to come see me all hooked up to machines.”

He looked at me searchingly. I met his gaze. He said, gravely, “Thank you for your support then. He appreciates it more than he probably knows how to say. So let me speak for both of us. You kept him sane until I could start scolding him again! Thanks for that!” His eyes twinkled at his comment and he grinned at me.

We both laughed then and saw that we were pulling up to the restaurant.