“Well, Kind Sir, would you like to make sure that I get home safely? You can walk me up and into my building just to make sure there are no boogeymen,” she laughed right back at me.

All, boy! She is indeed brazen. She obviously has no fear, either.

“Well, you're acting so fearless that I'll have to pretend that it's all an act. I will walk you to your home, Fair Lady.”

Where did that come from? Her confidence must be rubbing off on me.

Little did I know yet how much.

Chapter 6


Icouldn'tbelievethebarman when he said the musician was a single guy from somewhere in the neighborhood who just dropped in a few nights a week to play. AndGadzooks!the guitarist was simply the handsomest man I’d seen in … forever. And his music was almost otherworldly.

Good thing mom had me singing in the choir in school. Music appreciation! I wonder if Zach, a sort-of friend from college, would appreciate this guy's playing, or be jealous of it.

This fellow wasn't much for words, but I had a good feeling about him. And what eye candy! Men always complain that I'm so tall, but this guy must have been 6’2” and didn't mind how tall I was. And gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. OMG! That baggy shirt and those baggy trousers can't fool me. This guy works out.

How did that song go?I. Want. Muh-sull.

“So how long have you lived in this part of the world?” I asked him.

“Long enough to know better,” he looked at me with a smile.

Deep, quiet voice. I’m gonna have to be way closer to him if ever he starts whispering.

And those suspenders are so cute. Butterflies? Really? The guy has to have a sense of humor.

“Here we are. What do you think, Kind Sir, of the premises? Could a Fair Lady be safe here?”

He put his finger to his lips and I could tell he was pretending to think it over seriously before answering.

Yup, Jeepers, hedoeshave a sense of humor!

He is so hot. Smokin’ Barbecue! I would love to see what's under those baggy clothes of his. I'll bet anything they're not baggy because he's lost weight recently. I think he's hiding his gorgeous muscles.

And that's all I needed for a challenge.

“Well, Kind Sir? If your inspection is not quite conclusive, how about coming inside and up to my place and checking it out?”

He seemed kind of surprised. But I also saw that he was looking me over differently now.

“Uhh, sure. I cannot let a Fair Lady be in any danger, right?” So I took his arm again and pulled him up the steps. We went up to the second floor to my place and I unlocked us into the apartment.

“You had better do an inspection. Remember, no boogeymen!”

This fellow may be a little nervous, but he wasdefinitelyinterested in me. I sensed that he was play-acting with me again when he put his guitar by the door and wandered my small studio apartment with his hands on his hips looking everywhere and nodding as he did with a little smile on his face.

He turned to look at me, “I have to look under the bed and under the sink, but so far so good.” He grinned and his face lit up and his eyes glowed.

Don't faint! Get a grip! It's just a guy smiling at you. Oh, be still my heart!

I followed him into the bedroom and he got down on all fours! What a guy! He looked at me as if I were six years old and said in a deep baritone whisper, “No monsters.”

His voice makes me melt. Oh. My. Jeevers!

I was standing really close when he got up and I couldn't help myself. I put my arms around his waist. “You did promise to check that kitchen cupboard under the sink. Come on,” and I pulled him to my tiny galley kitchen area.