
Iprotest,“ButHankEnders founded MetriCooks!”

Hendrik responded quietly, “No, my Lady Fair. He does not exist. Except in the minds of the media and on a couple of pieces of paper locked away in a vault, there is no such human as Hank Enders.”

I am mind-boggled. “But when Craig said that ‘Hendrik,’the ‘founder of MetriCooks’(I made air quotes), and then choked it back to say, ‘Hank Enders would never have allowed this problem to linger’… who was he talking about?”

I thought I knew. I know I knew. But he had to say it. I needed him to say it.

I was on the edge of suspense. The edge of despair.

Oh, please, please don’t be lying to me!

He put his chopsticks down and wiped his mouth, taking his sweet time as I was on the very edge of sanity!

“I founded MetriCooks. I am Hendrik Johannes Endersson, and I founded, built and sold the company you now work for.”

I sat for probably three whole minutes in silence. I realized that he almost whispered these words, and that I still heard them with crystal clarity, nonetheless.

Well. That shut you up for a change, you brash loud-mouth!

I know him as a shy (compared to loud me) introverted nerd. It makes sense that the press doesn’t even have a photo of him.

I take a deep breath. I haven’t swooned, but I was close! “So, finish the story, please. There has to be more.”

He looked at me with such … love … that I did almost swoon after all.

“I am Hendrik Endersson. You met my father and his real name is also Endersson. In my youngest years—and I think it was to protect myself from the bullies that were after me—I was just very withdrawn. Very shy. Not social at all. I was the nerd the jocks could hassle and get away with it. That sort of changed when I met Carly, but she would also tease me about how shy I was as well. When MetriCooks grew and had some success that looked like it could last, my attorneys and the financial team I had hired couldn't convince me to put myself out in the public eye. It didn't matter to me back then that the so-called public eye wasn't every person on the planet. I was camera shy. Just … basically so shy that the sight of a camera or threat of an interview was pure hell. I didn't think I could ever survive it with any kind of grace. So I told them to figure out how to handle the public figure thing. And they invented Hank Enders.”

Hendrik paused with a chuckle, and I took his hand. He looked me square in the eye and said, “Hank Enders does not exist except to keep my life as Hendrik Endersson private.”

I am still silent.

Wow, I never thought of a straw man at the head of the company.

Oh! But that still means that … !

“Yes, I am stinkin’ rich.” He must’ve seen the realization on my face before I could say a word.

“And,” he said, moving his chair right next to mine and sliding his arm around my waist, “I think it’s time for you to see where I live.”

Chapter 43


Iinsistthatwehave our dinner heated up by the chef and finish eating.

I for one am starving!

And I say as much. It turns out that the chef made some fresh dishes for us. “No charge, Mister!” says our waitress.

I'm not quite sure if Beatrice is at ease with me after my story. I keep my eyes glued to her face and to her hands.

She doesn't seem nervous. She's not avoiding my gaze.

Then it occurs to me that she might not believe me! Oh, man oh man, now what?

Seeing me serve her a plate seems to reassure her. “My Lady Fair, you need your strength. I won't have you turning up your nose at this delicious vegan food!” and she reaches out and squeezes my hand. Then she dives in.