Well. That answers one of my questions.

“Roberts here is well aware that your team is a key player in his project management efforts, and we are actively recruiting a replacement for Jeff. Both of us have done our research and conducted a few formal and many informal interviews with staff. We would like to place you on the short list of serious contenders for the position.”

I walked back to my desk fifteen minutes later in a haze and a daze.

As Hendrik predicts, I am nominated alongside three other candidates to take on the team supervisory position when Jeff leaves.

I text Hendrik right away with the news. But I'm feeling kind of flat. I go over to Joseph and tell him to get the whole team together for lunch. Whatever plans they have, put them on hold. They all have to come to lunch with me.

Once we're outside the building, all standing on the Plaza, I break the news to everyone.

The two harebrained juniors jump up and down and do aYippie Kay-Yay. Joseph is all smiles and the others are full of congratulations. I hold up my hand, “Hey, guys. Cool your jets, fa’ Pete’s sake! I just wanted you to be the first to know that I'm on the shortlist. I amnotthe new team leader. I'm just being considered. Calm down! Enough of yourfolderol.”

At which they broke out in gleeful laughter at me.

We had rather a raucous lunch together.

At leasttheywere raucous. I can't remember a lunch hour with friends when I never said a single word.

Compared to that news and the prospects for the team, the afternoon passed fairly quietly. Before I left the office, I called mom with the news. Like my teammates, she whooped and hollered at the end of the line with congratulations for me. And like with my teammates, I had to calm her down and remind her, “Mom, Jeevers! It’s just gonna be more interviews, you know? It’s not a done deal at all. I’m just one person they’re interviewing and considering for the job.”

Then she asked, “I get it, sweetie. Now, did they talk to you about pay? You've got to assume that the position pays more than what you're getting, right?” Well, I have to admit she stumped me with that question! Not only had HR not talked about it, I hadn't asked.

And thinking about it now? I would have been jumping the gun to ask that question.

I say as much to mom. She insisted that we go out for a celebratory meal before the week was out.

I know what I have to do before even considering taking the job from my side of things. It is something I not managed to see through yet.

Been trying. But life’s been getting in the way.

I have to see this through or I'll never sleep easy.

I texted Hendrik again.Free for dinner?Yes, he was. We arranged to meet at our now-favorite Asian joint. I hadn't eaten very well at lunchtime and let the boys clean my plate for me.

I was that worried.

What if Hendrik is the founder of this company I work for? Is it gonna be a conflict of interest for me to be even a junior manager in a company that my boyfriend founded?

I don't need anyone gossiping about me like we all did about Jeff!

What is the conflict of interest anyway? It's not like I'm sleeping with my boss.

Too true.

But am I sleeping with a secret, mystery billionaire?

All relationships have secrets. What really worries me is that he's been lying to me.

Is he keeping a secret? I just don’t know!

Okay. Suppose he does have some deep dark secrets.

Are his secrets really lies? Oh, please, no, don’t let him be lying to me!

Billionaire or not, liar or not, I’ve got to get my head on straight about how I feel about Hendrik.

Secrets and lies already killed one relationship I valued. I'm not letting it happen again.