Shazam! I don't even want to think about losing mom!

We'd been at the hospital for over five hours when Hendrik got nervous about his father's condition again and went to find the nurse. She reassured him that his father was in a simple, restorative, natural sleep at the moment and that it was exactly what he needed to heal.

When the nurse suggested that he and I go home, Hendrik balked. He wasn't about to move and I could see by the look on his face it was no use for the nurse to insist. But a couple of hours later, he picked up his phone and made a call. I think he was calling that nice man Jared.

“Beatrice,” whispered Hendrik. “I'm having you driven back to your place. You did say you have to work tomorrow … uh, today … and I don't want you to fall asleep at your keyboard.”

At that point, I would have done anything for Hendrik, and so I nodded my agreement.

Unusually for me, I didn't even try to go to bed when I got back home. I drank two large glasses of water. I stripped and got into a piping hot shower as hot as I could stand it, and stayed there until the hot water ran out. Then, contrary to all my habits of comfort (Girl, you are in an odd state of mind to be doing this!),I stood under freezing water until my body didn't feel the cold anymore. I made a pot of coffee and got dressed for work.

It was 5 by then, but still dark. I drank two mugs of coffee, poured the rest in a travel mug, and hit the road for the office. Getting there early would allow me to leave early if Hendrik needed me later.

And I will be there for him.

Whatever his name really is!

At about 2 pm, I made my way to the hospital with the intention of not returning to work. Jeff gave me no trouble about it. Joseph said he’d pinch-hit if needed. After all, I had gone in quite early.

It occurred to me to wonder where Hendrik’s other friends and family were. Sure, he had told me that he didn't have anyone but his dad.

But he has to know other people he calls friends … Where are they??

There was Jared and his wife. But they had called themselves associates and neighbors. Not friends. Maybe Trey was a friend?

My thoughts abruptly ceased when I saw a visibly exhausted Hendrik. His father was again sleeping.

Hendrik took me into the corridor outside his father's room. “I have spoken to my father a couple of times and he is just feeling a little weak. He can use both arms and legs. I was worried about that; don't ask me why, though,” and he shrugged. Still worried.

I looked Hendrik over. He looked weak and tired himself. I asked, “Have you eaten anything since you got to the hospital last night?” He had not.

I proposed to go find the hospital cafeteria and bring him some food. “I know the kinds of things you like to eat so let me go down and see what I can find for you.” He nodded, at first a little distracted, and then jerked alert. “Let me buy it,” he said to me.

Then he just pulled out his wallet and gave it to me. “I've got cash in there. Or use the Visa card if that makes sense instead, okay? Buy yourself something, too, and we'll eat together across from Papa’s room,” he said, pointing to a “family room.”

As I walked down the corridor to the elevator to go back downstairs and ask where to find the cafeteria, it occurred to me that I might have the answer to my earlier question about his identity right in my hand. I was discreet because there was one other individual in the elevator. But I opened his wallet and right there in the first window was his ID card. Interestingly, it was not a driver’s license but a state ID for non-drivers.

Interesting ... He doesn’t drive?

What was more interesting is that he hadn't told me any lies at all!

His name is really Hendrik Endersson! Hendrik J. Endersson.

My earlier anger spiked all of a sudden—at my jealous, suspicious self—and then completely melted into bafflement. Now I was more confused than ever. What had Craig been talking about the other day when he said ‘Hendrik’ and then acted so flustered, only to revert to using the name ‘Hank’?

Only my Hendrik, I hoped, would have the answer. If there was even an actual connection between Craig’s slip-up and my Hendrik.

But this was definitely not the right time to ask him for it.

I knew that even after the night at the hospital, the shortened day at work, and more time with Hendrik, I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I was keyed up.

I called my cousins one after the other to see if they would join me at our favorite karaoke club. Neither one was free.

“Go belt a few. If you haven’t been there in as long as me, you need your fix!” urged my cousin Jim.

So I hopped on the subway and went there by myself. It was a tiny bit early for much of a crowd, but that suited me fine. Although I was wound up I wasn't sure how long it would take for me to want to curl up in bed and sleep a full night.

I walked in and the stage was empty. I sketched a wave to the bar man whom I recognized. When he saw it was me he got a big grin on his face and waved me over. “Where you been, girl? We ain't had nobody here who can belt ‘em like you. Git up on that stage and give us one. How aboutTears in my Beer? Special request on behalf of yours truly?” and he grinned big like he always did.