Chapter 1



My father and I are at lunch during one of his occasional visits to me at college. “Vader,” I protested yet again, in the Dutch we always spoke together, “I'm already making some money at it now, so I assure you, I do not need to be living at home while I do this.”

I was just finishing up my bachelor’s degree while also in my third year operating my startup business.

“Son, you got your skill for the numbers from me, and I can see very clearly that you are making a financial success of it. I'm very proud of you. This is why I wanted to come to the United States. Opportunity at all ages!” My father beamed as he did every time he felt vindicated in his decision to emigrate from his native Holland to the USA.

I knew he had to be good with money too, because he had paid for my first three years of college out of pocket, with no loans or indebtedness. I guess I did get my facility for numbers and money from him.

Last year I moved into a shabby but serviceable apartment building to occupy a first-floor studio apartment. The rent was cheaper than the dormitory, and I would have lived there right out of high school if I had known how much money I could have saved by doing so.

“I have identified a good law firm to support the business. They are helping me rent office space and I am hiring my first three people this month, Papa. And I am contracting with a public relations and marketing firm at the first of the year.”

My Papa got a tear in his eye. What a softy! I really loved him. I patted his hand over the table. I had to respect a man who raised a child all by himself in a foreign country and developed a trade that paid him well.

“While you're still in town, let's go out tonight and listen to some music. What do you say, Papa?”

“You are the musician of the family. I trust you to pick a place with fabulous musicians. Sure, let's do it!” He got that twinkle in his eye and I braced myself. “And will a nice young lady be joining us?” I winced. “Papa, no time for girls! I keep telling you and telling you.”

Chapter 2



“Gee whizz, mom, I keep telling you and telling you, a lot of women are in this field. Don't worry about it so much!”

“All right, all right, BB. I just wanna make sure that you can find a real good job for yourself. That you can make your own way. A woman has to have her independence, you know. A woman needs her own money.”

My mother and I had had this conversation many times since I was in high school. She was so afraid that I would grow up depending on a man. She was very determined that I should acquire “market skills” and as I got older, I understood what she meant. Skills to earn me a good income.

“Maybe my first job won't pay as much as the next ones, but don't you worry, mom. I'll be able to support myself. In this industry, I will be learning all the time because that's just the way it is. And the more I learn the more I earn, right? You keep saying that!” and I refrained from rolling my eyes at her. I knew she regretted dropping out of high school. I was the reason she had.

It isn't that technology is the “in thing.” It's that I love it and I have a knack for it. And it certainly isn't reserved for men like mom fears. Not if my cousins are any indication! They hardly know how to type an address correctly into Google Maps, and when they text me I almost need a translator!

Chapter 3



I'm really glad I chose this law firm. They took me seriously from the start.

And they werereallytaking me seriously today given the value of the business I had built and now was ready to sell.

“Well, sir, we have really told you everything you need to know about the three groups offering to buy you out. Although we recommend going with this second buyer, the decision is yours.”

By the end of that day, I suddenly had more free time on my hands than since I was in high school!

And I'm looking forward to the downtime.

I think.

If Carly were not so ill, I'd feel a lot better about this whole deal.