“What exactly are we painting? The walls and cabinets and island are done. You said the front door was also done.” She glances to the blank wall. “That spot needs a picture or something hung on it, but really, you don’t need paint. You need a table.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” I reach for my coffee, taking a sip and ignoring her look of surprise.
“Me?” she asks, poking a finger to her chest.
“Mm, I thought you could paint something there. Whatever you want.” A smirk spreads across my face at the flush growing over her cheeks.
“I… I can’t paint your wall.”
I try to hold back my chuckle as I shrug. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
Chewing on her lower lip, she glances from me to the blank canvas. “I can’t draw, Gideon.”
“I never said you were drawing.” Setting her on her feet, I put both cups in the sink and lean back against it. “I’ll outline, you fill.”
She visibly relaxes, sighing in relief before glaring at me. “You’re an asshole.”
Chuckling, I stride to her and wrap an arm around her waist. “Haven’t we already established that, little witch?” I kiss her lips before bringing her to the various paints I have lined up on the floor, pulling her in front of me and tucking her beneath my chin. “What do you suggest?”
It’s been decades since I last drew something just for the hell of it. Thinking about it, I might even say it’s been centuries. The last drawing I remember was with charcoal and cloth, Ella smiling down at Grace’s pink, newborn face.
Bringing the glass of whiskey to my lips, I sip on the amber liquid and look over my work—our work. Tall pines frame the edges of the wall, blending into a forest from either side. The top is a blanket of stars with a full moon glowing in the corner. My favorite piece, though, is at the bottom, just off center—two black wolves with the moon’s glow reflecting off their fur, purples and blues spiraling around them. They nuzzle each other, one setting its muzzle on top of the other’s—a sign of protection, loyalty, and love.
The stairs creak, drawing my attention, and I turn to see Adara gliding down the steps. Her black hair is pulled up into a high ponytail on the top of her head, the long purple-hued strands smooth and shining under the lights. The dress I bought for her fits perfectly, as I knew it would. My hands have memorized every inch and curve of her body, and watching the way the amethyst velvet hugs each angle of her just right makes me want to tear it right off her.
Clearing my throat, I sip on the whiskey in my glass as I watch her cross the room to me. She tugs at the mid-thigh hem of her dress, and I hold back a chuckle when I glance down at her feet. “Are those… boots?”
She lifts a brow at me, glancing at her feet as if she doesn’t remember what shoes she put on. “No, they’re sneakers?” Rolling her eyes, she rotates the toe of her boot, showing me the sideview, which only makes me look at her bare leg. “Yes, they’re boots. I wasn’t sure what you wanted me to wear, but I can’t even get those heels on that you left for me, let alone walk around in them.”
Shaking my head, I set my drink down and wrap my arms around her. “I don’t know what I was thinking. The boots are perfect.” I place my thumb under her chin, lifting her lips to meet mine as I capture her mouth in a kiss. “You look perfect tonight. Gorgeous,mia fiamma.”
She smiles up at me, smoothing a hand over my button-up. “Why are we so dressed up tonight?”
“It’s the first pack meeting I’ve held since the new members joined. I like to set the right impression. And tonight, I want them all to see what’s mine.” Putting my hand over hers, I raise her fingers and brush my lips over her knuckles.
She laughs as I spin her, letting my eyes trail over her dress once more. Resting her head on my chest when I pull her back to me, she gazes at the newly painted wall. “It turned out so beautiful,” she says, her voice soft.
“As beautiful as the wolf within it.”
A knock sounds at the door, and I place a kiss to the top of her head, grasping her hand in mine.
“Come, little witch. We have a party to host.”
Chapter seven
There must be over a hundred people here—a hundred werewolves, even without Madrona and the youngest kids. I tug my dress down, feeling naked in the short velvet material. Thankfully, with the large crowd and alcohol pumping through my veins, the chill in the air is faint.
“He’s barely left you all night.” Mila slides up next to me, leaning back against the island.
A nervous laugh escapes me. She’s not wrong. The only reason I’m alone right now is because I told him I needed to grab a bottle of water from the fridge—something I was sure I could handle all on my own.
“Everything okay between you two now?” she asks, tilting her head a bit to the side as her gaze slips down from my face. “Is he the one who got you into that dress? Because,damn, girl,he has good taste.”
I smile at her, my cheeks burning. “Yeah. He even gave me the most beautiful flowers and a trip to see my sister.”
Mila’s eyebrows shoot up. “He did what? That’s awesome!” She wraps me in a tight embrace. “I’m so happy you get to see her.”