Page 31 of Lycan Witch

Heat colors my cheeks, and I roll my eyes as I walk away, heading upstairs.

I fidget with the seatbelt as we drive to the bar. Mila offered to drop me off—insisted on it, really, since she knew I didn’t have any other ride. The trees race past the window, a low hanging fog clinging to the dark, wet bark. Fall always brings this eerie weather, and I’m grateful for the clothes Mila’s loaned me as I pull my hands inside the sweatshirt’s sleeves to stave off the chill.

“I know Cali isn’t supposed to work until a bit later today, so I’m not sure why he wanted you to come in so early.” Mila fiddles with the radio stations, switching from alternative rock to country hits. Garth Brooks pours from the stereo for a minute before she changes it again to a today’s hits station, bobbing her head along to Taylor Swift’s latest pop song.

“Cali is working here now?” I ask, wondering why Gideon didn’t mention her last night. But I push off the burst of jealousy because I can’t keep my claim on him. I have to get rid of this wolf and our mate bond.

Mila nods. “Yep. She started last night, I guess. She’s had it rough ever since Aaron dumped her, so I’m glad Gideon gave her a break.”

“Aaron?” The image of the drummer from a few weeks ago pops into my head, Gideon dragging him outside. A chill snakes down my spine.

“Yeah, one and the same, girl.” She throws me a sad, knowing smile. “She’s better off without him, honestly, but the way he’s just ghosted her is bullshit after how long they’d been dating.”

“I… I didn’t realize he even had a girlfriend with the way he… you know.” I avoid her gaze, keeping my eyes glued to the trees outside, my vision becoming unfocused as I think about him, the way he touched me, the way he spoke about Aramin.

“Yep. Class A douchebag.” A new song comes on the radio, and she turns up the dial. “Oh, I love this one!” She dances along to the song, and I laugh, joining in with her as we drive the last bit of distance to the bar.

I feel happy as I exit the car, but a crushing sadness overtakes me as I watch her drive away. Once I get rid of my wolf, I won’t be able to see her anymore. As a witch, or even a human, I won’t be allowed in lycan territory again, especially the Silver Wolf territory. The bar door creaks open behind me, and I brush off the depression clinging to my mind.

Gideon stands in the doorway, leaning against the frame. “You coming inside, little witch? Or are you gonna stand here staring at the fog all night?”

I roll my eyes at him, trying to squash the burst of joy that courses through me at seeing him. “I’m coming. I’m coming.”

He holds open the door, and I try to squeeze by him to get inside, but his hand rests on my side, pulling me close as I pass him. “You look incredible,” he whispers into my hair.

I lick my lips, brushing my hair back from my face. “Oh, thanks.” I smile sheepishly up at him, realizing he hasn’t seen me in jeans before. The jeans Mila loaned me are tight, hugging every curve of my body, and the low v-neck shirt I paired with it only enhances all my other curves. I clear my throat, looking around the empty bar. “Wasn’t I supposed to meet the other people you hired?”

The corner of his mouth quirks. “You will. Later. But I have some things to do around here and thought you might enjoy helping me. Well.” He glances around the bar briefly before looking back down at me. “I thought I might enjoy watching you help me.”

I follow him toward the bar, slipping behind the counter and watching him grab a bucket.

“I need to clean the tops of those shelves up there,” he gestures to the very top, up by the ceiling. “I can’t reach on my own, and although I could get a ladder, holding you above me so you can reach would be much more fun.” A mischievous gleam sparks in his eyes.

After wetting a cloth, he lifts me up by my waist, his hands hot as branding rods on my body. I struggle to focus on my task of dusting and wiping off each shelf, the task taking more focus than it should’ve. I never would’ve been able to clean Monique’s house with this man around. After the last shelf, he sets me down. I look up at them to study my work, and my face scrunches up.

“I missed a spot,” I say, reaching to rinse the cloth off so I can reuse it.

“It’s fine,” Gideon says, moving to grab a drink for each of us.

I turn to look at him. “But I missed it?”

He looks at the spot I point to, then back at me. “It’s barely noticeable, Adara. It’s fine.”


“I said it’s fine. Now will you please take a break and drink something?” He holds the glass of soda toward me.

I toss the cloth into the suds bucket and take the offered drink, feeling inadequate at my one, incredibly simple task.

Gideon sets his glass down, sliding over to me. “I asked you to clean them, and you did. I didn’t, and wouldn’t, ask you to spit shine them until they gleam under these pathetic lights.”

My tongue darts out to lick my lips, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

“It’s fine, okay? You did a great job. Exactly what we needed to do.”

He stares into my eyes until I whisper, “Okay,” then kisses me softly.

“I have to clean up the break room in the back. Stay here…” he takes my hand and pulls me around the bar, “sit,” then sets my soda on the bar top, “and relax with your drink.” He steps back, then narrows his gaze at me. “No arguments.”