It had to be some instinctive reaction to the sexual situation. I’m not into guys. Especially twink femme guys like Cypress. It doesn’t even make sense. What’s the point of being into guys if the guy is just as feminine as a girl? Thatmust be what threw me off with Cy. They’re too pretty and my dick wasn’t thinking straight.

A door closes upstairs, followed by footsteps down the stairs. I panic for a moment until I see it’s Eric. At least he’s wearing clothes now. He looks at me as he gets to the bottom of the stairs and opens his mouth like he’s going to say something, but I don’t waste my time. I push past him up the stairs to my room. Part of me expects him to follow me and try to talk about what just happened, which leaves me pleasantly surprised when I hear the front door close. That’s one person down I don’t have to talk to tonight. Now I just need to avoid Cy. Luckily, their door stays closed as I walk through the hall to my own again.

Guess I won’t have to worry about hearing more noises with Eric gone. My phone chimes with a new text message and I glance over at the desk where it’s charging. When I open the thread, there’s more than one message from Eric.

Eric:I’m pan.

Eric:I don’t care what parts someone has.

I debate what to write back to that, but I don’t really care how Eric labels himself. There’s a more pressing issuehere. The person he hooked up with is my stepsibling and this is the first I’m hearing of it.

Are you dating Cy?

Eric:No. We’re not dating.

I’m tempted to call him out on it and ask more questions. Like,how long has this been going on?They looked pretty familiar with each other, and I seriously doubt this is the first time it’s happened.

Cy’s door closing catches my attention, but the noise is quickly followed by their heavy footsteps and banging on my door. “How about next time you knock instead of being a fucking perv?” Cy calls through the door.

I storm over to the door, swinging it open to see them standing there. Cy is wearing clothes now, but their long brown hair hangs in a mess around their shoulders. I meant to yell something back at them, but my mind goes blank. I’m still picturing their naked body as they thrust their hips. “How about you find someone to fuck that isn’t my friend?” My tone is blunt, but I don’t raise my voice.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize you had dibs. If you’re interested, go for it. As long as you don’t mind my sloppy seconds,” Cy flips their hair over one shoulder, glaring at me.

“I’m not interested.” I grind my teeth. “You know what? I don’t give a shit. I’m not into guys, and I don’t care who you fuck.” I slam the door in Cy’s face, effectively ending the conversation.

“Sure, you’restraight,” Cy calls through the door. “Whatever you have to tell yourself to get through the day, Teddy.”Their footsteps echo through the hall until a door closes, then the shower starts up. I doubt that’s the end of whatever shitty conversation we’ll have on the matter, but whatever.

I grab my food and take it to my bed while turning on the TV to the show I was watching earlier. Fuck Cy and fuck Eric. I’m gonna enjoy the rest of my night and not think about what I just saw.

If I don’t focus on images of Cy’s ass in my head, I won’t need to worry about why the sight turned me on. It’s only a big deal if I make it into one.

Chapter Four


“Istill don’t see what the big deal is,” I tell Eric. “Theo’s the one who walked in on us. It’s not like we were doing anything wrong. Are you ashamed of being with me because he’s my stepbrother or because you got caught with my dick in your mouth?”

Eric winces. “Really Cy, do you have to say it like that?” he asks. “Someone could hear you.” He looks around the pizzeria where he works, but it’s basically dead this morning.

Still, I know I’m being a bit unfair. It’s not like I expected Theo to barge in on us, but I don’t understand why Eric doesn’t want to meet up anymore. It’s not like he didn’t already know Theo was my stepbrother when we first started all this. “No one’s here. That’s why you were okay with us talking here to begin with, remember?”I idly stir the straw around my glass of soda. “I should probably just go. If you don’t want to hook up anymore, whatever. It’s all good.” I stand up from the table I was at and grab my gym bag. That’s the other reason we met here. Eric’s job is in the same shopping center as the gym I go to.

He grabs my wrist as I’m about to leave the restaurant. “I’ll think about it. If we do hook up again, maybe we should stick to my apartment?”

I look him over, debating if it’s even worth it. Eric is hot, in a mostly toned jock kinda way. Fancy haircut, nice clothes. He’s a decent enough fuck buddy for when either of us need it, but I don’t know if he’s worth all this trouble. I’ll admit the idea of us pissing off Theo is a benefit, though. “Sure, whatever. I need to go. We’ll figure out the rest later.”

I walk across the shopping center, making my way to Knockout gym. Once inside, I wave at Emmit as I walk towards the locker room. I pull my work out clothes out of my gym bag to get ready, stripping off the snug T-shirt and skirt I was wearing in favor of a pair of athletic shorts and a loose tank top. I lock up the rest of my things and jog over to the classroom area just in time to see Sam at the front of the class, leading everyone with stretches. Her eyesmeet mine as I walk in. We both know I walked in late, but she doesn’t call me out on it.

Sam leads us through warm-ups, then drills, before she finally pairs us up for a few quick move demonstrations. I get paired with a guy who’s probably around my age, but I don’t really recognize him. I don’t take the time to talk to him either. My focus is on the class and training. I have enough boy drama as it is.

We go from simple move combos to sparring in the middle of the room. Sam stops to explain the rules before she calls on two girls to enter the circle made up of the rest of us. I watch as the girls face each other. They size each other up looking for an opening before one dives for the other’s legs, going for a takedown. They roll around on the floor before one gets the upper hand pinning down the other. Sam calls another pair up. I analyze each fighter’s moves until it’s my turn.

I get paired with the same boy from warm-ups. He’s decent, but his hip twitches when he goes for a roundhouse kick. Deftly, I dodge the kick, punching him in the stomach with a quick jab. My fist connects with a solid thwunk. He strikes back with an uppercut clipping the edge of my chin. The outside world fades away as I fight.My focus zeroes in on my opponent. It takes a few more hits before I win the match, and I don’t come out of it without a few bumps of my own.

“Good fight, man.” I clap him on the shoulder as we leave the ring.

He gives me a once over, checking me out before a smirk spreads over his face. “You too.”

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking at him as the class finishes up. It’s a shame the house is so full of people again. I probably couldn’t sneak a guy in even if I wanted to. Oh well. Nothing wrong with a little flirting. The group disperses, some of us headed for the locker rooms, while others leave or head for different training rooms. I follow the group to the locker room, grabbing my things for a quick shower before I change clothes.