"The blip on my nose isn't acne. It's a goddamn rug burn!"

"Well, I never!" Eloise frowns, apparently offended by my angry tone.

"I'm sure you haven't…EVER," I bite back. Then I practically roll on the ground when I see Eloise's eyes get huge like a Phillippine tarsier as the implication of what Dane and I did hits her.

"Oh, you are gross." Her expression is a picture of disgust.

"What's the matter? Too risqué for you?" My merriment switches to hysterical laughter when she huffs and practically runs from the ladies' room. I'm leaning against the wall, still chuckling, when one of the stall doors opens, and Rada steps out. I'm instantly mortified and can feel my cheeks flaming. "Oh, shit. I'm so sorry you heard that."

Rada looks at me with the most comical expression. It's as if she's trying to find words and failing. Recovering, she shakes her head and grins. "That had to be one of the best takedowns I've heard. I doubt you'll have a problem with her again. She'll be terrified of your response."

"Good. My life will be much easier with her out of the picture."

"Yes, it will, and so will my brother's. I can already tell you're good for him."

"Thanks. I appreciate that. Now, if you'll excuse me, Dane wants to leave, and I need to find my sister." I dash from the bathroom, spotting Laurel coming up the stairs.

She walks over to me with a smugly satisfied expression.

I glare at her. "Where have you been?" My suspicions are confirmed when I see her smooth her hair and adjust the bodice of her dress. A small spot of dried spit is at the edge of her lip.

"I was outside."

"In the chilly air without your coat?"

"I was in a car. Graham's, to be exact."

"You didn't." I stare at her.

"Yes, I did, and he wasn't bad, although he's less experienced than I'd hoped. Thankfully, his winkie is on the large side of the spectrum, and he's quite filling…in more ways than one." Laurel wipes the spit from the corner of her mouth and laughs.

"Oh my God, Laurel."

"OMG, what? Sex is as natural as it gets; without it, you and I wouldn't be here. So see? There's nothing wrong with a healthy dose of getting your rocks off."

"Fine. So what did you do with the man?"

"I left him outside. He wanted me to spend the night, but I turned him down. I wouldn't give him my phone number either. He'll have to work to find me, and by then, he'll be so horny, he'll plow me like a tractor." Laurel bursts into full-blown laughter when she sees the shocked expression on my face.

"There you are," Dane says, coming up to us. "I hope you don't mind if we go. I already thanked Barry and Jewel and told them goodbye."

"I'm more than ready." Between Eloise's comments, Laurel's sexual fling, and my ugly nose, I can't wait to leave.

Dane retrieves our coats, and we head home. Once there, Laurel goes to her room, and we go to ours. After stripping out of our cocktail attire, I go into the bathroom and wash my face. I'm staring at my image in the mirror when Dane comes up behind me.

"Damn, that looks like it hurts."

"It doesn't hurt as much as it did earlier, and it looks like it'll heal okay."

Dane presses against my naked body while his hands caress my breasts. "We'll need to be more careful."

"Only until I heal. And just so you know, it's hot as hell watching you touch me in the mirror. If you're trying to get me aroused, you're succeeding."

"Keep talking. I'm getting hard."

"I can tell. I feel your hard-on pressing between my cheeks." I watch Dane rub his thumb across my nipple. "Mmm. I like that."

"Good…because I don't plan on stopping." He nuzzles my shoulder, his fingers teasing the sensitive peak.