It's as if I can feel the flames in Dane's gaze when he rakes me from head to foot, the corner of his mouth lifting in appreciation.

"Do you like my dress?" I give Dane a sultry look and walk toward him with an exaggerated sway of my hips.

"Very much so, but I don't know how long it'll stay on you." His hands slide across my rear as he leans forward and kisses me.

"Jesus! Will you two stop?" Laurel raises her eyes to the ceiling, a look of frustration creasing her brow. "I swear I'm gonna have to find someone to play with at the party."

I swat Dane's arm when he laughs. "Don't encourage her, or she'll do it."

"Okay, okay. I'll behave." Dane leans toward my ear and whispers, "Until later."

Laurel growls, grabs her coat from the closet, and opens the front door. "I'll be outside."

Dane smiles boyishly. "Sorry, couldn't resist." He retrieves our coats and helps me with mine.

After a short drive in heavy traffic, we arrive at the venue, and Dane pulls the Range Rover to the curb. Laurel and I step from the car and stand by the entrance while Dane parks in the underground lot across the street. He rejoins us minutes later and escorts us two floors up to the private dining room with its outside terrace. The room is large and filled with plants, vibrant colors, murals, and two long rows of tables. Based on Dane's prior comments, I expect to see a small, intimate gathering but count seating for fifty instead.

Confused, I lean toward Dane. "I thought you said this was a small reception."

"This is small for them. Here, let me take your coats." Dane helps me as I shimmy out of my garment, and then he disappears with mine and Laurel's coats in his hand. He returns empty-handed.

Laurel spots the staffed bar in the corner and quickly brightens. "Perfect! I need a drink." She grabs my hand, pulls me to the bar, and orders a margarita, all while surveying theroom. "Whoa, maybe this isn't so bad. The scenery is better than I thought."

Dane joins us at the bar, raising an eyebrow at Laurel's comments, and I can't decide which will be more fun to watch over the next month—Laurel's brashness and antics or Dane's reactions.

"There you are!" a woman calls out from a few steps away. Dressed in a plum cocktail dress, she's gorgeous and sophisticated-looking. She hugs Dane, then steps back, her smile directed my way.

"Britt, this is my sister, Rada." Dane slides next to me and puts his arm around my waist.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I quietly assess her. Nearly as tall as Dane, she's dark-haired like him, but her eyes are green with amber specks rather than blue. With similar facial features, it's easy to identify them as brother and sister.

"It's certainly a pleasure to finally meet the woman who has my brother so enamored," Rada teases. "Good job, by the way. I haven't seen him this happy since…I don't know…maybe never," she laughs. "And you've properly corrupted him since he's already taken a fair amount of time off work to visit you in New York. That's quite a feat for my workaholic brother, who doesn't take nearly enough time for himself."

"I'm glad I could help, but Dane won't be doing that anymore since I moved here." I smile and motion to my right. "This is my sister Laurel." Although my voice is loud enough, Laurel ignores me, her gaze on a hot-looking group of guys. "Sorry, she's—"

"Hungry," Laurel murmurs. After a longer-than-appropriate stare at the suited trio, she turns to Rada. "I hear I'm your date tonight."

"You are, and I'm beginning to suspect this evening might be somewhat amusing, at least where you're concerned." Rada smiles as she glances at the objects of Laurel's interest. Withoutwarning, she hooks her arm in Laurel's and steers her toward the terrace. "Let's go mingle."

"Heaven help us," Dane mutters. Looking worried, he gets two glasses of chardonnay from the bartender and hands me one. "It's our turn to mingle. I need to introduce you to the bride and groom, along with some of the guests."

I nervously accompany Dane as he strolls the room, introducing me as his girlfriend and idly chatting. It doesn't take long for my head to start spinning, especially after getting bombarded with a long list of names. Finished making his rounds, Dane guides me back to the bar for another drink.

Nudging Dane with my elbow, I motion toward the terrace. "That blonde woman in the red dress keeps watching me."

"That's Eloise. Just ignore her. She's harmless."

I nod, although I'm not nearly as trusting as Dane, even less so after receiving Eloise's angry stare. Dismissing her, I redirect my attention to Laurel as she joins me at the bar. Dane accompanies Rada to the terrace to converse with an older couple.

"This party is better than I thought. It's like being at a testosterone buffet, which makes mevery happy," Laurel reports with a lick of her bottom lip.

My chuckle is interrupted by a hand on my arm. I turn around, gaping at the man beside me.

"New York! What are you doing here?" Graham Stewart says. He takes a step back, his gaze sweeping me in disbelief.

After a moment of stunned silence, I grin at the blond-haired, blue-eyed hunk, otherwise known as my Thanksgiving subway buddy. "Hello, Graham. I'd ask you the same thing."

"The bride and groom are friends of mine. Plus, I live here. What's your excuse?" He raises his brow questioningly.