I return Jerry's glare, wondering if the idiot knows how to be happy. "Look, you asshat, he's on his break, and I'm up here watching the scenery. No rule says we can't talk to each other. So mind your own business. Better yet, why don't you try saying something nice for once? And I'm the one that should be complaining about you. You're harassing me, so leave me alone, or I will complain."

Jerry stands there wildly huffing and puffing, and I'm dying to ask him if he's going to blow the house down. Thinking better of it and not wanting to be the one responsible if he has a heart attack, I cross my arms and smile at him.

His wife stares at me like I'm insane and then tugs at his arm. "Jerry, we should go. Honey, it's almost lunchtime. Let's go to the dining room. I'm hungry."

Jerry nods and marches away. He throws a parting glare at me over his shoulder before following his wife down the stairs.

"How can anybody be that much of an ass?" Dane runs his hand over his face and shakes his head. "I was going to say something to him, but you beat me to it. And once you started talking, it was obvious I didn't need to. You're pretty good at ripping people to shreds."

"Getting screwed one too many times has that effect on you, and some people make my claws automatically come out."

"I guess so," he laughs. "Well, my break is over, so I better go back. I'll be in the lounge this afternoon and evening. You and the ladies should come up there after you have dinner. Beckett's hosting a Family Feud game, and it'll be a group competition. You and the ladies could form a team."

"That sounds like fun. I'll see if the ladies want to play. If not, I'll see if I can join another group."

"Perfect. I have to go." Dane stares at my lips like he wants to kiss me, which would only get him in trouble. Looking frustrated, he abruptly whips around and hurries through the gate to the passenger side of the deck. He rushes down the nearby staircase.

I walk back to the table and pick up my laptop. My stomach growls, telling me it's time to secure my computer in my cabin and head to the dining room. But that means facing Iris and Rose after my embarrassing scene in the corridor. Stiffening my back, I head down the stairs.

I'm a big girl. I can take it.

Ten minutes later, I approach our table in the dining room only to find myself greeted by three knowing smiles, one scowl,and Larry's look of confusion. I take my seat, trying to act like nothing happened. "Ladies. How was your tour this morning?"

"The abbey was quite impressive," Marigold says almost immediately. "And the fresco on the ceiling was magnificent. Did you know it's one of the largest in the world? Oh, and we had a demonstration on how to make apricot dumplings and drank some apricot wine."

I stare at her, surprised by her sudden transformation from a quiet introvert to a chatterbox. Apparently, Larry brings out her hidden side. "That sounds nice. I would have enjoyed seeing those."

"Then you would have missed that special shopping trip of yours," Iris says, her lips twisting into a wide grin.

"We certainly couldn't have that," Rose titters. "Especially since your purchase is so…needed."

"And just like a child's toy, it provides hours of fun," Iris cackles, gaining the attention of several guests at a table nearby.

Marigold giggles like a schoolgirl.

Oh my God! What did I get myself into?I dip my head and pretend to read the lunch menu, figuring my lack of response will end their teasing. But I can still feel their eyes on me moments later. Slowly letting my breath out, I decide we need a change of subject. Otherwise, I might be staring into my lap the entire meal since the ladies seem to be having too much fun at my expense.

Lifting my head, I smile brightly at their amused faces. "I understand they're playing a team game of Family Feud in the lounge after dinner this evening. Anyone game?"

Rose's face instantly lights up. "Oh, I saw that on the daily sheet housekeeping left in our cabin last night. I'm in. It sounds like fun."

"I am too," Iris says, joining in. "With all of us together, we should be able to kick everyone's butt."

"We'll need a team name." Marigold glances around the table.

Dahlia clears her throat. "We already have a team name from our bowling league. There's no reason to try to come up with something else."

"That certainly works," Iris says.

Rose and Marigold nod in agreement.

I smile behind my napkin, my change of subject an apparent success. I can only hope the ladies' teasing doesn't start again this evening when Dane is in the room. That could be an embarrassingly sticky situation.

I cross my fingers under the table and hope for the best.

Chapter Fourteen
