Now the question was how to get a hold of Brittany. He knew her room number at the hotel since he'd seen it on her door. He'd call the hotel later this afternoon after the new passengers were on board and everything settled down.

In the meantime, he'd have to get back to work and hope Brittany would be amenable to his plan.

Chapter Six


Excited and nervous, I check out of the hotel and walk toward the ship, thankful I don't have more luggage as I traverse a busy intersection and cross a set of tracks that run parallel to the street.

Nearing the dock, I stop for a moment on the sidewalk and study the vessel. It's long and narrow and larger than I expected, with floor-to-ceiling windows on two levels. A row of tiny rectangular windows is visible at the waterline, and I assume those belong to the crew's quarters and cheapest passenger cabins. The top level has a comfortable-looking sundeck with multiple seating areas and a wheelhouse.

Continuing to the ship, I approach two crew members standing on the dock. They're both wearing jackets with the cruise company's logo on the front.

"Good morning, miss. May I have your name, please?" one of the men asks.

"Brittany Walker."

"One moment." He checks the tablet in his hand and then motions down the gangway. "You can proceed to the reception desk. Leave your luggage here. Igor will take it to the ship for you, and one of the crew will ensure it gets taken to your cabin."

"Thank you." I leave my suitcase and carry-on bag on the dock and walk down the gangway to the ship, keeping a steady hand on the railing.

Another set of crew members stands by an open sliding glass door and greets me when I step onto the deck. One of them points me to the reception desk.

The check-in process is quick since preregistration is a requirement. Gathering my paperwork, I make my way down the corridor to my cabin, which sits next to a midship stairway leading to the decks above and below. I was informed at the reception desk that all passengers were expected to attend the mandatory safety meeting at one o'clock in the lounge, with lunch served in the dining room immediately following. Since I have a little over an hour to kill, I figure I'll unpack and get settled in my room with some time left over to explore.

Opening my door, I find my luggage neatly placed against the wall and my cabin uncomfortably dark. I pull the curtains back, immediately flooding the space with much-needed sunlight. Booked into the last available cabin, I have a floor-to-ceiling sliding door but no balcony, the opening blocked by a metal railing.

Quietly humming, I unpack, putting my clothes and toiletries away and shoving my empty suitcase under the bed. Finished with my housekeeping chores, I'm ready to explore. I dig my cell phone from my purse, intending to use it to take photos of the ship, only to discover Laurel's been trying to call me. Having ten missed calls, I need to call her back and sit in the chair by the sliding door while I dial her number.

"It's about time you returned my call," Laurel says, sounding irritated.

"Hey, calm down. I had to check out of the hotel, walk to the ship, and get checked into my cabin. I just got settled in a little while ago. And why are you up at such a god-awful hour?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a bitch, and I didn't get up early. I just got home an hour ago. I was out with friends celebrating a birthday last night. Anyway, I've been dying to find out what happened with the guy in the pharmacy and your impromptu dinner. I want all the juicy details, so start from the beginning."

"You know, I was on my way out the door to explore the ship, and I have a meeting and lunch after that. Why don't I call you later after you've had a chance to get some sleep? Let's say sometime tonight after I've had dinner. Does that work?"

"Dammit, you're acting like a butthead on purpose. No, I don't want you to call me later. Tell me the freaking story," Laurel snaps, and I can picture her gritting her teeth.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you what happened," I laugh, enjoying teasing her since I seldom get the chance. "So, when I called you from the pharmacy, that guy—his name's Dane, by the way—was standing at the end of the aisle and heard part of my conversation. He looked amused and pulled a box of condoms off the shelf, and handed it to me. I was mortified and was going to leave when he stopped me and asked if I wanted to join him for dinner. We went to a cute little restaurant by the store, and after a couple of glasses of wine, I told him about Troy cheating with my best friend and your suggestion that I find some guy and have a one-nighter. By the end of dinner, my tongue must have been hanging out of my mouth while I drooled over him because he asked if he was the dessert."

"No! Seriously? Was the guy that hot?"

"Oh, hell, yes. Dane's tall, probably right around six feet, with wavy dark brown hair that curls around his ears. He has the most stunning blue eyes that are framed by long, dark lashes, and his nose is perfect. It's not too big and has a cute little point, and he has a slight cleft in his chin. On top of that, he has the most sensual and nicely shaped lips and white, perfectly straight teeth. His smile is enough to knock you off your feet."

"Damn, he does sound hot, and you sound a little too giddy. What about his body? Give me the juicy stuff."

"The man is sizzling hot, like scorching your fingertips when you touch him hot." My breath catches in my throat as I imagine him standing naked in front of me.

"And? Come on, don't you dare stop now."

"Oh, sorry. I guess I should finish. Dane's muscled and nicely built, with a cute patch of chest hair—but not too much, thank God. I hate hairy men. It makes me feel like I'm sleeping with a gorilla. Oh, and he has the sexiest ass. The kind you want to reach out and grab. And his voice—my God, it almost makes you come in your pants."

"Okay, you're skipping the important part. His dick? Please tell me he's well endowed and not some guy with a teeny weenie."

"Definitely well endowed. I mean, the guy could skewer you with it."

"So you saw him naked, and he has all the right parts. But how was the sex? And you better tell me you screwed him."