Dane gives me a little nudge. "Hey, sleepyhead. You need to wake up."

"Where are we?"

"We're nearing Regensburg. We should be back at the ship soon."

I untangle myself from Dane's arms and sit back against the seat. I'm still foggy-brained as I brush my hair out of my face and look out the window.

"Britt, even though we spent the day together, you know I can't openly touch you once we get back on the ship. Right?"

"I know, and I hate it," I pout.

"I do too. What do you think about spending our evening in town rather than on the ship?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we could go to dinner and explore the town afterward. That way, I can be with you without getting in trouble or causing Jerry a heart attack."

"I like that idea. How do we make it work? I can't exactly meet you by reception and walk off the ship with you."

"There's a coffee shop by the stairs to the dock. I can wait for you there at seven o'clock. That should give us time to get cleaned up."


"That's my queen." Dane smiles and kisses the top of my head.

I lean against him, wishing he were my king, knowing that leaving him tomorrow will break me. I brush the gathering moisture from the corner of my eye and try not to dwell on my pending heartache.

Our bus pulls up to the curb by the plaza, and Liesl tells everyone to check their seats and the overhead shelving to ensure we leave nothing behind. Dane and I wait until everyone has stepped from the bus. Then, we stand and make our way to the exit. Dane steps off first and holds out his hand to help me down. We trail behind the others as we walk between the buildings.

Dane stops before we reach the open plaza. "I'll wait here until you're on the ship so we don't arrive together and freak people out." He reaches for my hands and holds them as he kisses me goodbye. "I'll see you in an hour."

"I'll see you then."

I slowly walk away, overwhelmed with emptiness and disappointment that tonight is our last evening together. Then it dawns on me; it's not only disappointment I feel. It's bitterness and a touch of anger directed at myself. I'm sabotaging my happiness and a chance to be with someone I care about—my career goals overshadowing everything else. I scoff at the ridiculousness of the situation—a situation I created. I've wanted Katherine's job since I began as an intern with the company, sacrificing my personal life to pursue that goal.

But is it worth it? Will becoming the managing editor ofExploremagazine make me truly happy after giving up the man I want?

Then again, it takes two willing people to create a solid relationship, and I'm unsure if Dane's in that mindset. And even if he is, what do we do about the distance between us? Do we try to figure out how to make it work or throw our hands up in defeat, kissing each other goodbye and permanently walking away?

My stomach roils, my chest painfully tight at the latter thought.

Reaching the ship, I scan my key card and drag myself down the corridor to my cabin, knowing I'm out of time. I need to be honest with Dane and tell him how I feel about him before it's too late and he's gone.

Chapter Eighteen


Dane leans against the wall of the coffee shop, arms crossed, his gaze focused on the concrete stairs. Brittany should have been here ten minutes ago. She doesn't seem like someone who'd be late, so now he worries that something might have happened. With his concern growing, he checks his cell phone for the third time, but there's still no message.

He's debating whether to risk exposing their intimate relationship by going back to the ship to look for her or wait where he is when he sees her coming up the stairs. His breath stills at the mere sight of her, and he can feel a pull in his groin at the way the breeze catches her hair, her silhouette a sensual vision in the streetlight's amber glow.

Pushing away from the wall, Dane walks toward her, Brittany's face lighting up as soon as she sees him.

"I'm glad to see you. I was getting worried." Dane reaches for her, pulling her into his eager embrace.

Brittany peeks up at him when they break apart. "I was afraid you wouldn't wait. Beckett caught me scanning my key card and asked a bunch of questions. He seemed uneasy that I was going to dinner alone. For a minute there, I was worried he'd make one of the crew accompany me. Thankfully, he didn't."

"That would have been awkward. And, of course, I'd wait. I was actually debating whether to look for you. I was concerned something might have happened." Dane leans down and kisses her, his lips tasting and nibbling as if she were a rare delicacy. She's his queen—the woman he wants more than anything and can't fathom being without. He pulls away, his voice husky. "I missed you. It's amazing how content I feel when you're with me."