Page 47 of Love From the Ashes

“Okay, okay. You can stop. I have so many fine qualities it’ll take you hours to list them.”

“See, you’re funny, just like I said.”

Reid gave me a mock scowl and reached for my hand. “Come on. Let’s explore the place and see if we can find my mother. She should be here somewhere with Maddie.”

“That sounds like a perfect plan.” I jumped up from the bed and took Reid’s arm. “Lead the way, my gorgeously sexy man.”

“Oh, now you’re being possessive.”

“Yes, I am. I have to keep my eye on you so one of Samantha’s wealthy and stunning-looking girlfriends doesn’t try to steal you away from me.”

“Fat chance of that. There isn’t another woman that can compare to you.”

“Good, then I only have to keep one eye open at all times.”

Reid burst out laughing, and I smiled, already having fun.

After taking several wrong turns, Reid and I stumbled into a small, cozy-looking lounge in one of the corners of the villa. It had a decent-sized wood bar, several wood tables with upholstered chairs, terracotta flooring, and walls covered in brown-and-tan wallpaper with wood wainscotting. A fireplace with an ornately carved wood mantelpiece was against the far wall. Earth tones made the room feel comfortable, and the panel of windows and glass door that opened to a terrace kept it from being too dark. Ginny was sitting at one of the tables with Maddie, the two chatting away while enjoying a glass of white wine and a piece of white layer cake with a toasted coconut frosting.

“Well, it looks like Reid and Sofie found us. So much for hiding,” Maddie said, giving us a teasing grin. “Please sit and join us. We were talking about the rehearsal and dinner later this evening.”

“I’m going to get a beer from the bar first. Sofie, do you want anything?” Reid said.

“Just a glass of water.”

“Are you sure you don’t want a beer or glass of wine?”

“No, just the water. Thank you.” I pulled out a chair and sat next to Maddie.

“Reid Morgan! I’ve been looking for you.” A tall, gorgeous redhead beelined it toward Reid. “Samantha told me you’d be getting here sometime this afternoon. How are you?” The woman gave him an overly friendly hug as he tried to back away.

“Who is that?” I said, underneath my breath. It seemed I would have to keep my eyes open after all.

“A bad memory,” Maddie said, looking displeased.

Ginny arched a brow at Maddie and cleared her throat. “Be nice.”

“Oh, believe me, I will. I won’t have to do a thing. That girl can make herself look like a fool on her own.” Maddie turned and nudged me with her elbow. “My dear, why don’t you grab your glass of water from the bar? You can save Reid the trouble of bringing Jillian to our table.”

“You want me to go to the bar?”

“Yes, dear.”

“Okay.” I got up and walked toward the bar, instantly gaining Reid’s attention. He looked relieved by my presence.

“Sofie, this is an old friend of mine, Jillian Price. Jillian, this is my girlfriend, Sofie Fletcher.”

“Girlfriend?” Jillian’s eyes narrowed as she scanned me from head to toe. “Hmm. Samantha didn’t tell me you were otherwise occupied. Well, it looks like Sofie and I have something in common. I’m sure she finds you as delicious as I did. You’ll have to excuse me. I need to find the rest of the ladies.” Jillian turned and briskly walked away after giving me a pointedly scornful look.

I cocked my head and stared at Reid. I had no idea what to say in response to her comment and attitude.

“Please let me explain before you get upset and this situation gets out of hand. Jillian is my ex-girlfriend. We stopped dating four or five months before you and I got together, and I haven’t seen her since we split up.”

“Is she the reason for your drawer of condoms?”

“Yes, she’s the reason.” Reid sighed and ran his hand across his face. He looked both frustrated and cornered.

“Don’t you think you should have mentioned I’d be running into your ex-girlfriend this weekend? I would think out of courtesy, you would have said something.”