I think I can overlook that though. “You grew up in Italy, didn’t you?”

“I did.” He grabs a seat across my desk and settles on it. “What do you want to know?”

“How popular are the Romano’s?”

“They rule Italy as a whole.”

“As in, they’re part of the mafia?”

He cracks his knuckles. “Part? They are the mafia. As far as I know, Dominic Romano is the Capo of the Cosa Nostra. They run several legitimate businesses, but they’re just a front for their illegitimate businesses.”

I prop an elbow on the desk, part of it pressing against the file. “What sort of illegal businesses?”

“Smuggling of illegal arms and other contraband, selling narcotics, offering protection to smaller illegal businesses, to name a few. I’m certain there’s a lot more than that.”

My interest is piqued but there’s only one name that comes to mind. “And Marcus Romano?”

“He’s the second of the three Romano brothers. He’s the underboss and runs the businesses. Smart guy if you ask me. Unlike his brother, he prefers to work with his brains and not his fists.”

I don’t realize I’m licking my lips until I have to muster a reply. “Seemed like that to me. How do you know so much about them?”

“Everyone who’s been to Italy knows that much about them. Don’t be fooled by their fame though, they’re very discrete. It’s easier to assassinate the President than it is to find dirt on them.”

I lean back in my seat, close my eyes and inhale deeply.

Marcus’s face flashes in my head, his intense blue eyes and that crooked smile that makes him look mysterious.

He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to lie, but he is also not the kind of guy to admit he murdered a man in cold blood either. If he’s as thorough with his business as Josh says, then I doubt he would murder a man with any witnesses present.

He comes across as a lot of things, but careless isn’t one of them.

Tearing my eyes open, I rub my neck. “Do you think that maybe there’s a mafia rivalry going on?”

“Not any that I know of.” His watch beeps and he brings it up to press a button on the side. “It’s nine p.m., time to clock out.” He stands and plants a hand on his hip. “You working late tonight?”

“Is there a night I don’t?” I’m afraid I won’t just be working late tonight. I’ll work all night if it means I can get to the root of the murder.

“You should take a break sometime,” Taylor says, placing a cup of coffee on my desk and taking the chair across from where Josh stands. He’s holding an extra cup of black coffee that he takes a sip from. “You can’t solve a murder in one day.”

“Watch me.” I reach for my coffee, take a sip and moan when the bittersweet flavor hits my tastebuds. “Thanks for the coffee.” Between staying up late and chasing information, I really needed it.

Unlike grumpy Josh, Taylor always knows just what I need and doesn’t hesitate to help me. He’s the absolute best partner.

“Got anything so far?” Taylor asks.

Covering my mouth with one hand, I yawn. I’m fucking exhausted. “Nothing.”

“This won’t do.” Finishing his coffee, Taylor squeezes the paper cup and tosses it in the small, wastebin beside my desk. “You need to take a break tonight.”

“No, thanks.”

“I wasn’t asking.”

A smile spreads across my lips. Taylor’s the humble good guy, it’s amusing he’s trying to be bossy. “I’m the boss here, not you,” I say playfully.

He snorts. “You are, but I’m your colleague and it’s my duty to take care of you.” He stands from the mesh chair, walks to my desk and unplugs my computer. “Get up.”

A second yawn stretches my mouth. He’s right, I need some rest. I’ve worked late for days, overdosing on caffeine and my body has had enough of it. It’s exhausted.