Tonight wasn’t either of those nights though. For the first time, I came home needing someone who wasn’t my sister or best friend.

I hadn’t seen Marcus for a few days and I know it’s strange, but I missed him. After taking a shower and shoving a full bowl of fruit down my throat, I texted him.

Having his dick deep inside me wasn’t what I’d had in mind, but I can’t deny it was completely out of it.

I’m not certain what tonight means or if it even means anything, considering his reputation. I imagine a man like him has hundreds of women ready to spread their legs for him, so I’m not expecting anything.

I refuse to be vulnerable despite the longing in my chest.

Right. It was just sex, nothing more.

Clearing my throat, I reply, “I admit I needed company. I see Josh and Taylor at work all the time, seeing them at home too would be a nightmare.”

“You don’t have other friends?”

My instinct as a detective shys from opening up to him about my sister and best friend. But my vulnerability as a woman high on orgasm hormones is in control right now. “I have a little sister, and a best friend. No other friends.”

He hand moves on my back, his touch soft, and goosebumps erupt over my body. “You’re free to text me whenever you need me.”

I tilt my head to look at him. “As friends?”

“Friends?” He snorts, patting my hair tenderly. “We’re not friends,amore.You’re mine.”

“Your what, exactly? Your whore? Property?”

“You’re just mine.”

I bite back a smile.I am his.“You know I’m not property you can just lay a claim to because you want to.”

He pushes my hair behind my ear and kisses the top of my head. The gesture is so sweet and butterflies flutter s in my stomach.

Jeez, Jane. Get a grip on yourself girl.


I try to stay asleep for as long as I can, but the sunlight hitting my eyelids doesn’t let me. It feels like I’m staring directly at the sun with my eyes closed.

Trying to turn away from the bright light, I collide with something firm and warm.

My eyes flutter open and widen at the piercing blue eyes staring back at me. They’re intense, yet they’re filled with warmth and softness.

Shit. I completely forgot Marcus slept here last night. My cheeks burn and I curse my pale skin. I had the best night of my life last night and then fell asleep with a made man .

When I joined the police force years ago, it was for one reason. To rise up the ranks until I had the authority to properly investigate my father’s murder.

Dating and sex has always been on the backburner, not important enough to sway me from my course. The toy hidden in the drawer next to my bed has always been enough to satisfy any needs I had.

But now I know better.

A vibrating device is nothing compared to the real thing. My vibrator can’t whisper dirty words into my ears or send shivers down my spine with the lightest of touches.

Marcus can though.

Even though a part of me wants to regret I had sex with Marcus, I choose not to. I’ve been attracted to him since the night we first met, I even touched myself one night thinking of him and I’d do it again.

“Morning, sunshine,” he says with a bright smile.

He’s beautiful. He looks nothing like the cruel, handsome, evil, god he always looks like. I roll my eyes, pretending my chest isn’t fluttering because he called mesunshine.