Vincent flashes a knowing smile at me. “Sounds to me like you do.”
I scoff and rest my back against the sofa. “How would you know? You haven’t even dated the same girl twice.”
“You were quick to answer.”
My brows shoot up and I look at Dominic. “What?”
He scans my face like it holds a useful piece of information, then he takes his time to finish his drink. “You answered too quickly. Sounds like someone who is trying hard to deny his feelings.”
He would know since he’s been in the same position. My case with Jane is different compared to his with Elena. Jane is an enemy. I’m not so foolish to would fall in love with a woman who’s out to destroy my family. “You don’t know everything, brother.”
Dominic shakes his head. “True. I know one thing though, everyone denies it at first. If there’s the slightest chance you’re falling in love with her then you need to keep her in check. That is the only way for her to survive. There will be no mercy.”
Our eyes are fixed on each other for a while and the tension in the room rises like the sound of music through the speakers. I’ll give my life for my brother, but if I ever fall in love with a woman—there’s zero possibility of that happening anyway—I’ll also put my life on the line to protect her.
“You two, stop being such big babies,” Vincent chimes in, his voice raised as he glances between us. It’s odd because I’m always the one mediating between him and Dominic. “No one’s killing anyone here, understand?”
“Shut up, boy.” Dominic reaches for his drink and carries it to his mouth. “You don’t know jack about the world you were born to.”
“At least I’m not threatening to kill the girl my brother’s in love with,” Vincent shoots back.
“Shut the hell up, boy.” Angry flames swell in my gut. I hate he’s suggesting I’m in love with her, because I’m not. I’m only attracted to her.
But you know what I hate even more? Hearing my brother talk about hurting her. It’s not like me, but I want to protect her.
Dominic’s phone buzzes and he slides it out of his pocket, scrolling through it with a smile on his face.
Vincent groans, disgusted, and Dante smiles. We all know it’s Elena texting. He only has that sheepish smile on his face when it’s got to do with her or his kids.
After a moment, he puts the phone back in his pocket, finishes his drink and rises to his feet. “Gotta call it a night boys.”
Dante runs a hand through his hair, a cocky smile forming on his lips. “Someone’s got daddy duties to attend to.”
“Better than someone still fucking whores in his forties,” Dominic replies. He glances at me. “Whether it’s to fuck her or kill her, do whatever you want. Just make sure she doesn’t cause us any trouble.”
“I will.”
“Good.” He shifts his attention to Vincent. “And you, stay out of trouble. You need to get a job. Anything to help you use your head more than you use your dick.”
“Fuck you, bro.”
“Shut up, boy,” Dominic yells over his shoulder as he strides to the door and opens it, the music drowning his voice.
Dante and Vincent sigh when he’s out of the club.
My phone buzzes when a message from Jane comes in. My breath catches and I try not to get too excited as I read her text.
Jane: Think we can meet up for a while?
Me: Where are you? I’ll come pick you up.
Jane: That won’t be necessary. I’m opposed to having you around my apartment, but we can’t be seen out in public.
A lustful glee fills my chest, the darkest of thoughts crossing my mind and then something that isn’t close to the usual lust, takes over. A genuine sense of longing. Nothing dark or mischievous.
I just want to see her, share in her smile and spend a little time with her.
Me: Text me the address.