Trust. It's a word thrown around a lot in law enforcement, but in this moment, it feels like a double-edged sword. How the hell am I supposed to trust a man whose sense of judgement is clouded by misogyny?”

“Chief, I do trust you. But I also need you to trust me. Trust that I can handle this case, just like I've handled others."

He lowers his head for a moment and sighs. His gaze is unwavering when he lifts his head again. “I'll consider your perspective, Sullivan. But for now, Taylor is in charge. You'll provide support and assist in any way necessary.”


“That is all, Sullivan. You may leave now.”

I nod, though the bitter taste of frustration lingers. I want to scream and punch a wall right now. “Understood, Chief.”

Turning towards the door, I step out and close the door behind me. As I return to my desk, I can't shake the feeling of being sidelined. Chief Smith’s blabbering about worrying for my safety is all bullshit and he knows it as much as I do.

I return to my desk, slouch in my chair and rest my head on the desk.

Looks like my only option now is really just working with Marcus behind the scene.

“What did the Chief say?”

I lift my head from the desk when I hear Josh’s voice. Josh and Taylor are standing in front of me, their eyes are narrowed with worry.

I take a deep breath and remind myself this isn’t Taylor’s fault before I answer. “He wants me off the case.”

“What?” Josh asks. His shock surprises me. If I didn’t know him so well, I’d think he was angry I was pulled from the case.

“He put Taylor in charge. The only way I can get back on is as Taylor’s assistant.”

Taylor drops to one of the mesh chairs.

Josh's eyes narrow further, and I can see the gears turning in his head. “This doesn't make sense. You're one of the best we've got, and you've been making progress on the Hell's Kitchen case. Why would he pull you off now?”

I shrug, frustration seeping through my voice. “Apparently, the mafia is too dangerous for a woman, according to the Chief. He thinks Taylor is a better fit.”

Taylor remains silent, his expression unreadable. I can't tell if he's relieved or if he's just as irritated as I am about this decision.

Josh leans in, lowering his voice. “This has got to be about more than just the case. Did something happen?”

Before I can answer, Taylor interjects. “Look, I know you're upset, Jane, but we have to figure out our next move. If the Chief wants me in charge, then fine. We'll work together, and we'll prove him wrong.”

I shoot Taylor a glare. “This isn't about working together. This is about the Chief undermining my abilities because of my gender. I won't stand for it.”

Josh nods in agreement. “Well, I agree. It doesn’t make sense he’d think that way when you’ve had the highest success rate in solving cases. There has to be a way to change his mind.”

I take a deep breath, realizing I can't let my anger cloud my judgment. “You're right, Josh. We need to find a way to convince the Chief I'm the right person for this case. I won't let him push me aside because of outdated beliefs.”

Except I don’t believe this has something to do with him being sexist. No matter how I try to ignore it, I think there’s a lot more going on than him being sexist.

What if this case involves someone in power and the Chief is afraid I’ll uncover it?

Chapter Five


The night sky is lit with twinkling stars and the breeze is cool and gentle, ruffling my shirt and hair as I walk towards the parking lot.

Cars honk, footsteps, and the loud sound of deep, hearty laughter from a few of my male colleagues echo in the background as I create more distance from the station, my black ankle boots clicking on the asphalt.

“Good night, Jane!” Detective Cooper yells from behind me, as he turns to his car, and I chuckle softly.