But instead of taking things any further, he abruptly guides me off his lap and stands, crossing the kitchen so quickly I barely have time to get to my feet before he’s at the door.

“See you tomorrow,” he says, shooting a look my way that makes the ache twisting low in my body even more intense. “Unless you decide to cancel, which is fine, too. Whatever you think is best for you.”

“I’m not going to cancel,” I promise, knowing it’s the truth.

Will I second-guess this decision at least a dozen times? Yes.

Will I decide it’s a bad idea to have a fling with someone so deeply entrenched in my inner circle? Almost certainly.

But in the end, I’m going to pack my bags and meet Zack downstairs tomorrow. I can’t remember the last time I wanted a man as much as I want Zach. And he’s right—I need some joy in my life.

I’m as desperate for happiness as I am to be naked with the oh, so sexy rock star closing the door behind him and thudding down the stairs, leaving me alone.

But not for long. In less than twenty-four hours, I’ll have him all to myself for two whole weeks.

It sounds dangerous.

And it sounds delicious.

And I can’t bleeping wait.

Chapter Three

From the texts of Colette Blanchett

and Theodora Devi

* * *

Colette: Hello, beautiful! I hope you’re having an amazing honeymoon! I’m loving the pics, so keep them coming. (The one with you and the lobsters dressed up as Marilyn Monroe was especially fabulous. Only in Vegas, huh?)

Sadly, however, I’m not going to be able to make it to the post-wedding party next week, after all. Something’s come up, and I have to go out of town. But please know that I’ll be with you in spirit, and don’t worry about the flowers or decorations. I’ve already placed the order, and the florist assured me she’ll arrive at the venue an hour early to make sure everything is perfect.

Have a great rest of your stay, and I’ll talk to you soon! Can’t wait to catch up on all your newlywed news.

* * *

Theodora: Wait a second! Talk to me now! I’m here! What’s going on? What came up? Are you okay?

* * *

Colette: I’m fine. I just need to get out of town for a little while. Nothing to worry your honeymoon head about.

* * *

Theodora: If it weren’t something to worry about, you wouldn’t be missing the party. I’m TOTALLY fine with you skipping it, by the way, I truly am, but I know you. You wouldn’t bow out unless you were urgently needed somewhere else. Is it your mom? Is she in trouble again?

* * *

Colette: Not that I know of. We haven’t spoken since her last visit. She’s called, but I’m not ready to cross the make-up bridge yet.

* * *

Theodora: Understandable. And again, I’m sorry for the part I played in the last disaster.

* * *

Colette: Oh, stop. You didn’t play any part. How were you supposed to know that my mother can’t be left alone in my apartment without stealing everything of value that isn’t nailed down?

* * *

Theodora: Well, I knew she’d been caught shoplifting. I should have at least thought to check with you before I left to deal with a work emergency while you were still out grocery shopping.

* * *

Colette: Seriously. Stop. You have no experience with drug addicts. And she was doing such a good job of pretending to have her act together. Even I was fooled, and I should know better by now.

* * *

Theodora: So if it’s not mama drama, what’s going on? Are you and Fernando okay?

* * *

Colette: Ugh… Why do you have to know me so well?

* * *

Theodora: Because I love you. So…is it over for good?

* * *

Colette: It is.

* * *

Theodora: Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. But we kind of saw this coming. You two have been struggling for a while now.

* * *

Colette: I know. But I’m still sad.

* * *

Theodora: I’m sad, too. *sad face emoji* So stay home and let me have you over for a girls’ night sob fest when I get back. I’ll send Cutter to his dad’s place so we can have my apartment all to ourselves and eat gallons of ice cream and cry without any witnesses.

* * *

Colette: No way. You just got married! And you’ve been apart from your man for most of the summer. You and Cutter need time together.

* * *

Theodora: We’ve had plenty of time together. I could use a night off, honestly. It’s the only way I’m ever going to get a good night’s sleep.

* * *

Colette: That’s right. Rub it in, Mrs. Constantly Getting Laid by Her Hot Husband.

* * *

Theodora: I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it that way.

* * *

Colette: LOL! I know you didn’t. I was just kidding. I’m actually on track to have my sleep disturbed, too, so I’m not too desperately jealous. That’s, um…