Laughing and making plans while shooing away more curious seagulls, we gather our beach supplies and head to the car.

Three hours later, the ring is being sized, the cake has been ordered, the marriage license procured, and Colette is popping into the hair salon to see if they have time to fit her in first thing tomorrow. Meanwhile, I duck into the liquor store across the street to buy a case of champagne and arrange for it to be delivered to Kirby’s house for the barbecue/wedding reception.

Then I step outside and call Gram, my pulse beating faster as I cross my fingers that she’ll take the news okay. Nothing is going to stop me from marrying Colette tomorrow, but I’d love to have my grandparents’ approval. They’ve been the most important people in my life since I was a kid, and I want us to stay close as I move forward and start a family of my own.

“Well, it took you long enough,” Gram says when she answers, without so much as a “hello.” “I got a call from Yumi half an hour ago.”

Yumi. The clerk at the courthouse, who’s also in the Botanical Society.

Shit. I should have seen this coming and headed it off at the pass.

“I’m sorry.” I drag a hand through my hair. “We just—”

“What are you sorry for?” Gram asks with a laugh. “Your grandfather and I are over the moon! We knew Colette was the one the first night you brought her for dinner. The moment you two left, I turned to him and said, ‘that’s the girl Zack’s going to marry,’ and he said, ‘I sure as hell hope so.’ I mean, neither of us expected it to be quite this soon, but why waste time when you know it’s right?”

Relief warming my chest, I start across the street. “Agreed. So can we count on you two to be at the courthouse at one p.m. tomorrow?”

“Of course! Wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ll bring Colette a bouquet from the garden and something for your lapel. Tell her not to worry about store-bought flowers. They won’t be as fresh.”

“She’ll love that,” I say, so grateful for the generous people in my life. “Thank you, Gram. Love you.”

“Love you, too, baby. Gramps and I are so proud of the man you’ve become, and we know you’re going to be a wonderful husband to your sweet girl.”

“Thanks,” I say again, shocked to find the back of my eyes beginning to sting. “Now I have to go before you make me cry in public.”

Gram laughs. “Nothing wrong with crying in public! But go, get ready for your big day. We’ll see you soon to celebrate!”

I end the call and step into the hair salon, but I’m barely through the door when the grinning woman behind the counter says, “Colette went next door. She told me to tell you. One of her friends is a nurse she wants to invite to the wedding.”

Nodding, I reach behind me for the door handle. “Got it. Thanks.”

“And congratulations!” the redhead squeals. “I’m so excited for you two!”

“Me, too.” I grin as I push back out onto the street and head into the women’s clinic next door.

The small waiting room is nearly empty this late in the afternoon—just one woman with a sleeping infant in her lap and a carrier at her feet, who a pigtailed nurse calls for just seconds after I step into the clinic.

“Here, let me,” I say, hurrying to grab the carrier for her as she stands, struggling to hold the baby with one arm while she gathers her diaper bag and purse with the other.

“Oh, thank you,” she says with a laugh. “I never seem to have enough hands lately.”

“No worries at all.” I deliver the carrier to the nurse waiting by the door leading into the exam rooms. She takes it with a wink and says, “Thank you, sir. Colette will be right out if you want to take a seat.”

Before I can reply, Colette calls out from behind her. “I’m here. Thank you so much, Sherry. See you tomorrow!”

I step back as the nurse and the young mother move down the hallway, and Colette appears in front of me, breathing fast with tears flowing down her pink cheeks. I’m about to ask what’s wrong, but then she’s laughing and throwing her arms around my neck as she says, “We did it!”

“We did it?” I echo, arms tightening around her.

“We did it,” she says, sniffing and laughing as she pulls back to beam up at me. “Sherry just read the test. We did it. We’re pregnant. We’re going to have a baby!”

I swoop her back up in my arms with a whoop, spinning her in a circle as my heart victory-punches my ribs.

A baby. It’s happening.

And I couldn’t be happier.