* * *

Theodora: Of course! It’s not a big deal at all. I’m just glad you’re okay. You had me worried. So I assume everything is going well?

* * *

Colette: Very well.

* * *

Theodora: Yeah? Care to elaborate on that?

* * *

Colette: Zack and I are having a great time, he’s getting tons of work done, and I’ve submitted four job applications and almost finished beefing up my portfolio for the Hearth Dreams gig. I could probably send it now, but I’m obsessing. I want it to be as perfect as it can before I roll the dice. I’d love to be a part of their team. They’re doing so many fun, creative things.

* * *

Theodora: That’s great. I hope they jump at the chance to hire you, even if it will make me sad to have you an hour away instead of just across the square. But that’s not what I meant when I asked you to elaborate, and you know it.

I want the juicy details, woman!

What kind of “great” time are you and Zack having? “We’re starting a book club” good time? Or “we’re getting busy making babies” good time?

* * *

Colette: Well, considering I prefer romance novels and Zack’s a music history buff, I think we’d have a difficult time deciding on book club material.

As for the other…

* * *

Theodora: Oh my God, I knew it! You’re banging like bunnies! I’m so excited for you! You and Zack are going to make the cutest babies in the entire world! *happy dance emoji* Do you think you’re pregnant yet? Are you craving weird foods? Feeling swollen and cranky? Barfing your adorable guts out? Tell me everything!

* * *

Colette: LOL. Stop! You’re going to jinx it. And no, I’m not due to ovulate for another day or two, so I’m sure I’m not pregnant. Yet. But maybe soon. I have all my fingers and toes crossed.

* * *

Theodora: Wow… So you guys are jumping in and going for it hard-core with the fertility tracking and everything, huh? What’s Zack think about that?

* * *

Colette: He’s on board. Very on board, actually.

* * *

Theodora: Wow. That’s…

* * *

Colette: Crazy?

* * *

Theodora: No! It’s wonderful!

* * *

Colette: And a little crazy.

* * *

Theodora: Okay, maybe a little crazy, but in the best way. And you know, love is like that sometimes.

* * *

Colette: Sex is like that, you mean.

* * *

Theodora: Right. Because both you and Zack are the kind of people who can decide to have baby-making sex without any feelings involved. Tell me another one, cupcake. You forget that I’ve known you both forever. You have feelings for him. Admit it!

* * *

Colette: Of course, there are feelings. I like him a lot. So much. But it’s not romantic. We don’t have a future together, Theo. I mean, if we do make a baby, we’re going to raise him or her as co-parents, but that’s it. Our lives aren’t compatible long term.

* * *

Theodora: What the heck are you talking about? Of course they are! You are two lovely, kind, evolved, passionate people. If you two can’t find a way to make things work long-distance, then no one can. I mean, look at my life—Cutter and I are making it work just fine, and we’re much harder to get along with than you or Zack.

* * *

Colette: You and Cutter are both workaholics. When you don’t have each other, you have demanding careers to keep you distracted from how much you’re missing each other. I’m hoping to find a job I’m passionate about, but I’m never going to live for work, Theo. I live for love and, hopefully, someday, a family. You know my relationships have always been the most important things in my life.

* * *

Theodora: I know, but Zack’s like that, too. Seriously. He texts and emails me all the time when he’s on the road, and I’m just his friend. If you were his significant other, I’m sure he’d be calling and video chatting with you all the time. It would be like he was right there in the room with you every night.

* * *

Colette: Except it wouldn’t, and you know it. Do I need to remind you about July?

* * *

Theodora: No. We don’t speak of July.

Or how much “missing my boyfriend” ice cream I ate.

* * *

Colette: But we have to speak of it, sister. I’m done burying my head in the sand and hoping the man in my life will magically become what I need him to be. It didn’t work with Fernando or any of my other boyfriends, and it won’t work with Zack. I have to look for someone who is truly compatible with me from the get-go.

* * *

Theodora: I think Zack is that guy! Really and truly. The more I think about it, the more you two seem made for each other. Talk to him about your concerns. You never know, he might surprise you.