“No, I mean—” Her words end in a moan as I cover her mouth with mine.

Our lips meet and our tongues come together with the urgency of two people who’ve been apart for ages. Separated by oceans. Tortured by time. It’s only been a few hours, but as I kiss her deeply, properly, my ribs vibrate with relief. Yes, I want to be naked with her again, but this is also amazing.

Being this close and knowing she wants me even closer.

We finally break apart, breathing faster. Our eyes meet, and we burst into laughter at the same time.

“What’s wrong with us?” She giggles, swatting me with the napkin in her lap. “Seriously. I haven’t been this bad since I was a teenager.”

“You’re not bad. You’re amazing.”

“You like that I’m becoming a nymphomaniac?” she asks as I brush her hair over her shoulder, fighting to ignore the way her nipples are pressing against the slinky green dress she’s wearing.

“I like knowing you want me as much as I want you.”

She sighs. “Me, too. Though, I confess I’m a little sad that we can’t be trusted in a bed together overnight.”

“Yes, we can. You’re sleeping with me,” I insist, unable to tolerate the idea of being apart from her that long.

“But you need rest. You said—”

“Forget what I said. I was stupid then.”

She arches a wry brow. “Were you? Or are you just horny now?”

“Both,” I admit with a grin. “But seriously, I want you to in my bed if you want to be there. I had an amazing writing session today. If no sleep and tons of sexual frustration are the recipe for magic, we don’t want to mess with that.”

She smiles. “Yeah, I mean…if that’s what it takes to make the magic happen.”

“And that way, when we wake up tomorrow morning, we can make the magic happen first thing.” My hand skims up her ribs, bound for her breast, but she catches my arm before I reach my intended destination. “Nuh-uh. No way, buddy. No more nipples for you until sunrise.”

I groan pitifully, making her laugh. “You’ll live,” she says, kissing my cheek. “I promise. We both will. Now let’s finish supper so we can get to dessert. Cheesecake is my favorite. Aside from ice cream and cupcakes and the rum bread that Theo makes at Christmastime.”

Reluctantly, I reclaim my spoon. “You know that’s fruitcake, right?”

Colette scoffs. “No, it’s not. It’s rum cake, and I won’t believe otherwise. Theo and I decided long ago that we’re way too cool to like fruitcake.”

“You are,” I agree, squeezing her thigh beneath the table. “I’m so glad you’re here with me. I’m enjoying the hell out of getting to know you better.”

Her lips curve in a shy smile. “Me, too.”

“Poker for pennies after dinner?” I ask, knowing we’ll need something to keep our mind off the lust still simmering below the surface, ready to put an end to all our noble intentions. “I’d like to see if you’re as good as you say.”

“Oh, I’m better, baby,” she says with a confidence that sends my softening cock back to full mast all over again. “I’m going to take all your pennies and leave you begging for a rematch.”

I’m going to be begging for something tonight, but I seriously doubt it will have anything to do with cards.

Still, I kiss her, and say, “You’re on.”

It’s going to be torture to wait, but as long as she’s beside me, it will be sweet torture.

We finish dinner, watching the stars put on a show unlike anything visible in the city, even a small one like Hidden Kill Bay, and take turns washing and drying the dishes so Nancy won’t have to clean up after us tomorrow. Then we play cards, and as promised, Colette takes me for every penny we can dig out of her purse and my car’s ashtray. Finally, around midnight, we turn in, waiting until our eyes are closing on their own before we change into pajamas in separate rooms and slide under the covers together in mine.

I pull her against me, tucking her into the small-spoon position where she fits just right, and prepare for another night of sleepless torture.

But within a few minutes of closing my eyes, I’m out, dreaming of all the things I’m going to do to Colette in the morning and hopefully for many, many mornings after.

Chapter Fourteen

From the texts of Colette Blanchett

and Theodora Devi

* * *

Three days later

Theodora: Are you still alive? What’s going on up there? I don’t want to interrupt if you’re having fun, but we’re all starting to get a little worried. Ping me back when you get a chance?

* * *

Colette: Oh my God, Theo! I’m so sorry! I meant to call last night before the party and wish you a lovely wedding bash, but I completely lost track of what day it was. I feel terrible. Can you ever forgive me?