Page 14 of Just A Hook Up

Jaymee huffed with annoyance. “Lame.”


“Yeah. Lame. Oliver is really into you, and you’re really into him. I don’t see the problem except for the ones you’re making.”

“He doesn’t even live here,” I pointed out. “And I’m not moving.”

“He’s the owner of his company. He can live wherever he wants and still run his business remotely.”

Solid point. “I can’t expect him to uproot his life for me. We’ve only been messing around for two weeks. I wouldn’t trust anyone who’d be willing to do that at such short notice. Points to poor judgment.”

“He’s going to Fiji next. Go with him. I know he already asked you.”

Exasperated, I said, “How’d you know that?”

“Phillip told me.”

“Argh. Are there no secrets in this house?”

“Not with these thin walls,” she retorted.

“Damn, that’s the truth. Sorry if we woke you guys up the other night.”

Jaymee laughed. “No worries. We just did our own thing. It was a house of love.”

Blech. “That reminds me, I need to get my own place soon.”

“You’re going to break Phillip’s heart when he finally realizes that you’re never going to be our third,” Jaymee said with fake sadness.

It amazed me how secure they were with each other that they weren’t the least bit fazed by the idea of being sexually attracted to other people. I also knew that as much as Phillip joked, he was steadfastly loyal to Jaymee. I’d never seen a man so into one woman.

Except for Oliver, that is.

Oliver seemed the same way as Phillip was with Jaymee, but I couldn’t believe that I would get that lucky. It was one thing for Jaymee to find a unicorn amongst donkeys but quite another for the same stroke of luck to happen for me.

“Roger made a fool out of me. I don’t want to put myself in a position for that to happen again,” I said quietly.

“Oliver is not Roger.”

Jaymee’s simple logic was the most profound. Oliver was nothing like Roger. Oliver was kind, compassionate, intelligent, and sweet. Roger had been…well, not many of those things, and certainly not the beast Oliver was in bed.

For a sweet man, Oliver could be deliciously and surprisingly primal between the sheets. God, I loved that.

“Am I being stupid for pushing him away?” I asked.

Jaymee nodded.

“You aren’t even going to try and placate me by lying?”

“Who has time for that? Life is short. Grab it by the short hairs and make it yours.” She became serious. “Bird…I love you with all my heart. I’ve watched you put yourself last in every relationship, and it’s time to put yourself first. Oliver isn’t Roger, but I’m not saying you’re going to marry Oliver either. Hell, maybe you don’t meet The One for another ten years, but that’s not to say that you can’t have fun along the way.”

I enjoyed Oliver. I enjoyed his company, his laugh, his sense of humor…I even liked the way he snored when he was knocked out cold from one of our marathon sex sessions.

“He farts in his sleep,” I shared.

“Everyone farts in their sleep,” Jaymee said. “Even you. Farts are part of life.”

I laughed. “I know. I’m just trying desperately to find a reason to keep from falling for this guy that I barely know.”