Page 110 of If You Say So

“I don’t mind talking to you,” I confessed. “That’s never been the problem.”

Her face went soft and sweet.

“I just want a few days to process this while nobody’s around,” I said. “You’re good. You ground

me. But them? I think it’ll all be overwhelming.”

She came up behind me and pressed herself against my back, her face burying between my

shoulder blades.

“When you’re ready,” she whispered. “But don’t wait too long, Luca. They’ve gone a long time

without you.”

I knew they had.

I also knew that it was somewhat selfish wanting to get my head on straight before I told anyone.

I just knew that everything would change once I did.


“I’m sorry, but what?” I asked, thinking I hadn’t heard her correctly.

She pointed at a box that had caught her attention while we were shopping for groceries.

“I want to get a metal detector and take it to the beach,” she repeated.

No, I hadn’t misheard her.

“You don’t want to lie out on the beach with your friends?” I asked, just to make sure I was

hearing her correctly.

She shook her head.

“Nope,” she confirmed. “I saw a video online of a man that was doing it. They actually rent the

metal detector, and the little net-like thing that you can scoop up the sand with.”

I opened my mouth, then closed it.

Then shrugged.

“Fine with me,” I admitted. “But… are you sure you want me to go with you?”

She gave me a sharp look. “Yes, I’m sure.”

I gave her an assessing look just to make sure that she was of sound mind after last night.

“Your friends weren’t very happy when they heard I was coming with you for this trip,” I pointed

out. “I really don’t mind staying home while you do that.”

She narrowed her eyes.

“I don’t care if they are or are not,” I admitted. “Honestly, the only reason I came was because of the bullshit that was creeping up at home. To wait for it to die down.”