Page 96 of Sinners are Winners

Just based on the way her car was smashed in so badly.

But we’d get off and look anyway.

Which we did together moments later.

“I can’t reach her from this side,” I said as I reached into the car. “Can you?”

Malachi was on the opposite side of the car, reaching in just as I was doing, and he could just barely get his fingers on the girl’s neck.

A neck that, from what I could see, was obviously broken.

“Dead,” Malachi confirmed seconds later. “Goddamn.”

Goddamn was right.

The entire front end of the car was just gone.

It was smashed up so far into the front seats that there was no way in hell she could’ve survived that.

“What happened?” I asked the man that was standing next to the car wringing his hands.

The man looked sick to his stomach and tried to look anywhere but at the girl.

“I was driving by,” he started, swallowing hard, trying desperately to control his stomach. “Some guy with fancy rims cut her off. She swerved to avoid him going the speed limit, or thereabout, and ran straight into the pole seconds later.”

The ‘pole’ in question being a concrete pylon that held the bridge up above it.

It wasn’t a pole as much as a fuckin’ concrete wall.

To hit that at the speed limit, which was fifty-five miles an hour, would’ve done the damage that we were seeing.

“What did the vehicle look like that cut her off?” Malachi asked, focused.

The man’s face turned to Malachi, and he visibly winced.

Malachi didn’t miss a beat.

“He, uh, it was a car. Smaller. Older. I’m not sure about anything else. I’m not good with cars. I…I…I ride a moped.” He gestured to the moped that was pulled off to the side of the street behind him. “Really not good with cars. I just know it had really fancy, sparkly rims. I might be able to pick it out of a lineup…but that’s about all I can tell you.”

I nodded, then turned when the first ambulance pulled up.

I nodded my head at Drew who got out first, followed by Tai, another one of his buddies.

“Status?” Tai, a veteran firefighter/paramedic for the Kilgore Fire Department, asked.

I left Malachi talking to the witness and moved to the side of the car.

“DOA,” I said softly. “She’s got injuries not compatible with life…though I’m not the expert here. Gonna need y’all to…disentangle her first. I don’t even think you can get a lead on her to test if she has any heart rate.”

She was one with the dash of her car…and the motor.

And the entire thing smelled like it was burning flesh while it was at it.

It was quite disturbing, to say the least.

“We’ll figure it out,” Tai rumbled. “Drew, pull the medic up here and block the road.”

Drew did what he was asked, and soon a firetruck pulled in doing much the same on the other side.