Page 76 of Sinners are Winners

“That one is mine,” I agreed.

The man held out his hand. “Name’s Captain Morgan. You can call me Morgan.”

I took his proffered hand just as Logan said, “You never allow us to call you Morgan.”

“And until you no longer work for me, you won’t get that offer,” he countered.

Chapter 9

Taco Tuesdays send a terrible message. People should feel free to express themselves any which way they want. If they want to eat a taco on a Friday, then they should damn well be able to eat a taco on a fucking Friday.

-Saylor’s secret thoughts


I smiled at the woman and her husband.

They looked so happy I was jealous.

“Is this your first time here?” I asked, trying to make small talk while I got the room set up and the machine up and running.

“No,” the mom-to-be smiled. “Jarvis and I came for our first ultrasound at eighteen weeks. We’re so, so excited right now to see his little chubby cheeks. We went last week to our OB appointment, and they did a quick scan to check overall weight and stuff, but it’s nowhere near as exciting to see when they try to rush you out the door.”

I grinned.

She was right, though.

Being rushed wasn’t something a mom-to-be wanted when she was getting a look at her baby.

“Completely understandable,” I agreed. “You ready to get started?”

She nodded enthusiastically and her husband came up to her side and took her hand.

“Is this your first?” I asked as I started spreading the jelly on her belly with the wand.

“No,” she said. “This is our third. We have a two-year-old and a one-year-old at home.”

I shook my head in wonder. “Oh wow! That’s a whole lot of kids under three!”

She grinned. “We’re crazy, we know. But we wanted them all close in age…”

She kept talking, but something disturbing had caught my eye as I’d started.

I moved the wand around again, and again. Only to come up with the same results.

Something heavy and sickening filled my stomach, and I had no clue what to do.

“The machine is acting up,” I said, voice shaking slightly. “I’ll be right back.”

The mom-to-be smiled at me, and I hurried out of the room, going to find Memphis.

I found her in the front office talking to her son.

I wanted to cry.

“Memphis,” I croaked.

She turned, and so did Lock, both of them focusing on me.