Page 50 of Sinners are Winners

Oh, it was goodbye…for now.

I waited for them all to leave before I pulled out my phone and made the call.


“Hey, baby,” my mother said softly, sounding tired. “You done?”

I found myself grinning.

“Why?” I asked. “Something wrong?”

“No,” she immediately soothed my worries. “I just thought I might get to see you today.”

I’d been working a lot lately. And when I say a lot, I mean nearly every other day it felt like. When I wasn’t working at the station, I was working on my house. When I wasn’t working on my house, I was working out. When I wasn’t working out, I was sleeping.

It was honestly a vicious cycle, and I was sad to admit that I hadn’t seen my mom in over two weeks.

“I’m stopping by once I’m done,” I confirmed. “That’s still on. It’ll just be closer to around nine. Is that okay?”

“Yes,” she answered. “What’s wrong?”

I grinned, loving that she knew me so well.

“I have something I want to talk to you about. It concerns a friend,” I admitted, excited now.

“A male friend, or a female friend?” she wondered.

I chuckled softly.

“You know me so well.” I chuckled again. “It’s a female friend, and yes, I’m considering asking her to be more than my friend.”

“Oh, Lock.” My mom sighed. “I’ve always waited for this day.”

I started to laugh. “Mom, I haven’t even said anything about her other than I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“True,” Mom agreed. “But you also never even mentioned the other ones. I had to find out you were dating that one chick by seeing you talking to her at the supermarket. Then, when I came over, you introduced her by name. There was no ‘this is my female friend’ or ‘I need to talk to you about my friend.’ Hell, I don’t even know what to think right now. You’re not asking for my engagement ring, are you? I still wear that.”

I started to laugh in earnest. “Chill the hell out, Mom. I promise, this is very new…and depending on your answer when I get there and ask, it might very well be not at all.”

“The answer is yes, then,” she immediately announced. “Whatever the question.”

“What if I ask to move back in because we’re having a love child together, and I think we can’t raise it on our own?” I wondered.

“I’d say double yes,” she said. “Your dad, on the other hand? He’d likely lose a couple of screws. According to him, he just got rid of y’all.”

I snorted.

“That’s a lie,” I said as I glanced around the parking lot. “I’ve been gone for years.”

“Yes,” she agreed. “But your sister just moved out last fall.”

That was true. Ares had been living at home for quite a while. Rune had been gone since she turned eighteen and could legally live on her own without offending my parents.

“That’s your husband’s fault,” I told her, seeing something in the very back of the parking lot that drew my attention.

A car. One that looked slightly familiar, but I couldn’t figure out why.

There was a lone figure sitting inside of it, smoking.