Page 31 of Sinners are Winners

“Fuck yeah,” she said. “I don’t want to be in it anymore.”

“Do you have something to change into?” I wondered then.

“Yes,” she said almost immediately. “What I was going to wear to the airport.”

Once I had the ties down her back loosened enough for her to slip out of it, she pointed to the bag in the corner.

“Get me that,” she said. “Then go change, too.”

The idea definitely had merit.

“My bag is in my car,” I said.

“Good,” she said. “While you’re out there, go tell my husband he can change. I know that he has a change of clothes as well.”

And that was exactly what I did.

Going out to the reception hall where people were starting to gather, I looked around for Justice and found him talking to Lock.

“Is there a place I can change, too?” Lock wondered.

I nodded. “You and I can go to the groom’s changing area. I suppose you’ll be all right going to the bride’s?”

Justice grinned and hauled ass in the direction I’d just come from.

Moments later I saw him slipping into the dressing room.

“They’re about to do it,” I teased.

Lock’s eyes lit with amusement.

“Probably,” he said. “That’s likely why they put an hour between the wedding and reception.”


“If you don’t mind, I’ll change first. I have to take about eight thousand bobby pins from my hair, and I’ll do that while you’re changing.”

He eyed my hair.

“Why so many?” he wondered.

I shrugged. “My hair is heavy. It takes a lot more to do an updo for me than it does for every other girl. Where one girl can get away with one hair tie, I sometimes have to use three.”

He eyed my hair.

“Okay,” he said. “Use it.”

I grinned at him and headed to the bathroom, carelessly kicking the door closed behind me.

I heard the door close, but it kicked back open without my knowledge.

Which meant I had an audience as I hiked my dress up my legs and placed my foot onto the closest stool.

Skimming my hands up the dress, I clumsily unhooked the garter and the stockings from each other. Once that was done, I started on the shoe.

It was as I was starting on the second garter that I glanced in the mirror and saw Lock staring.

He wasn’t even shy about it, either.