Page 24 of Sinners are Winners

I went back to the freshly washed bowl and pulled it out of the pile of clean dishes.

“That’ll give me enough time to make the groomsman cake batter for when the other ones finally get out of the oven,” I said. “Then they’ll have to cool for like two hours before I can do a single thing to them.”

“Good, then you can get to know me a little better,” he rumbled.


“He’s a cop,” I said to my father later that night.

“Really?” he asked, sounding just as surprised as I’d felt when I’d heard those words. “Doesn’t fight like any cop I ever knew. Motherfucker can fight.”

I rolled my eyes.

My father had watched the video clip—and yes, a chick hitting a guy in the dick had gone viral. I was now famous for junk punching a guy.

And my dad was right. ‘Motherfucker’ could fight.

“Too bad you’re leaving,” he said. “Sounds like an actual good one.”

I rolled my eyes.

“I had a lot of fun with him today,” I said.

There was a long pause when he said, “You’re still coming home, right?”

I looked at my dad over our FaceTime call and nodded. “Yes, Dad. I’m coming home.”

Even though I wished I wasn’t.

But sometimes I had to put my pride aside and admit that I wasn’t making it.

“Good. I miss you.” He grinned.

The grin fell off his face when the tones dropped all around him, signaling that there was an emergency call that he would be required to go to.

My heart rate picked up speed, and I tried to school my features.

Ever since my father had hurt himself at a fire call, I’d been leery of him working.

I knew that my father could handle himself, but there were just too many ‘mishaps’ that were happening for me to think everything would always be okay.

“Be careful, Daddy,” I ordered sternly.

He winked at me. “Always am.”

With that, he signed off, and to get my mind off of what my father was doing, I thought about my day.

And the man that I hadn’t stopped thinking about in six long months.

Chapter 3

I never regret it when I do. I always regret it when I don’t.

-me thinking about taking a shower


The wedding was nice.